Prayer and Supplication with Fasting

This is the second sermon in a four part series on Prayer and Supplication.  For part one, see Humble Prayer and Supplication. For part three, see Prayer and Supplication with Crying. This sermon is about the benefits of prayer and supplication with fasting.  Adding fasting to your prayer: Sharpens your...

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The Most Neglected Book on Earth III, Heb 2:1-4

The Most Neglected Book on Earth III CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  There is a frightful trend in this old world.  That trend concerns the most neglected book on earth.  The Bible is that book and in Heb 2:1-4 you can see the question that Paul raises about it, “How shall we...

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The Most Neglected Book on Earth II, Heb 2:1-4

The Most Neglected Book on Earth II Heb 2:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a frightful trend in this old world.  That trend concerns the most neglected book on earth.  The Bible is that book and in Heb 2:1-4 you can see the question that Paul raises about it,...

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The Most Neglected Book on Earth, Heb 2:1-4

The Most Neglected Book on Earth Heb 2:1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There is a frightful trend in this old world.  That trend concerns the most neglected book on earth.  The Bible is that book and in Heb 2:1-4 you can see the question that Paul raises about it, “How shall...

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Man’s Response to Affliction

II Chronicles 33:9-13  Introduction: Vs 1, Manasseh was the king of Jerusalem at this time and did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD. Because Manasseh did much evil, God brought affliction in his life.  To be afflicted is to be “affected with continued or often repeated pain, either of body...

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Why Would Anyone Risk Going to Hell

Why Would Anyone Risk Going to Hell Isaiah 28:14-18 In this sermon we will look at the question of why would anyone risk going to Hell when there is the option of going to heaven. The passage from Isaiah will help us to answer this question. Illustration of the sign....

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Tongues in the Bible

Tongues in the Bible (1 Corinthians 14:1-40) In this lesson we are going to look at the subject of tongues from the Bible. The word of God will show that tongues are a gift and a language. They are not essential to having the Holy Ghost as many teach today....

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The Course of this World, Eph 2:2

The Course of this World Eph. 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before we were saved, we walked according to the course of this world.  Now that we are saved, we are to walk contrary to the world.  However, many Christians don’t understand the difference.  In other words, they get saved...

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But What About My Family, 1 Sam 22:1

But What About My Family 1 Sam 22:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often one of the first questions sinners ask right after they get saved is, But what about my family?  They are instantly concerned that their family isn’t saved or that their family won’t come to church with them.  They...

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Work That God Rewards, 2 Chr 15:1-18

Work That God Rewards 2 Chr 15:1-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Azariah said to Asa, “Be ye strong therefore, and let not your hands be weak: for your work shall be rewarded,” [2 Chronicles 15:7]. And after Asa heard these words he proceeded to do work that God rewarded.  See 2...

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