Give God What He Wants – Joel Haynes

Missionary Joel Haynes, to the Navajo Nation, preached from Gen 22:2 on what God wanted from Abraham. God wanted what Abraham had, his son. “thy son”. God asked for Isaac. God wanted what Abraham hoped for. “thine only son Isaac”. God asked for his only son. The future seed was...

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Do Right, Prov 20:11

Do Right Prov. 20:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often speak of yielding to the righteousness of Jesus Christ in us so that the Holy Spirit will conform us to the image of Jesus.  You can see how yielding to the righteousness of Jesus would help a fellow to keep from...

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So Shall My Word Be, Is 55:8-13

So Shall My Word Be Is 55: 8-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Is 55:8-13, the Lord describes what happens when his word is sent out.  And notice, he is not just talking about what people say that God said, he’s talking about “my word… that goeth forth out of...

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Without A Cause – Chris Rue

Missionary Chris Rue, to Ukraine, preached from 1 Sam 17:29. In this passage, David asked, “Is there not a cause”? And indeed there was a reason for him to step into the fight with Goliath. Yet, most Christians only talk about the fight; they aren’t actually in it. And the...

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Two Kinds of Messengers, Prov 25:13

Two Kinds of Messengers Prov. 25: 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Proverbs, there are two kinds of messengers for us to consider: the faithful messenger and the wicked messenger.  The faithful messenger is found in Prov 25:13 and the wicked messenger is found in Prov 13:17.  The question is this,...

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