Seek the Lord and Ye Shall Live

In Amos 5:6, Amos said, “Seek the Lord, and ye shall live”.  In verse 4 the Lord said, “Seek ye me, and ye shall live”.  Life is truly in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Like John wrote in 1 Jn 5:12, He that hath the Son hath life; and he that...

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Prophecy Against Egypt, Ezek 29:1-21

Ezekiel 29:1-21 is a prophecy against Egypt, v.2. There will be prophecies against Pharaoh and Egypt in chapters 29-32. Egypt the Great Dragon v.3 against thee, Pharaoh, the great dragon in the rivers, 31:4-5.  Pharaoh is the great dragon in the sea, compared with Leviathan, Is 27:1, and the devil...

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Breath and Spirit, Job 34:14-15

Breath and Spirit Job 34: 14-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are two things given to us by God, without which we would not be alive.  They are our breath and our spirit [Is 42:5].  Job 34:14-15 shows us that without spirit and breath we perish.  Ps 104:29 says, “thou takest...

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Deliverance From Sin, 1 Cor 10:13

Deliverance From Sin 1 Cor. 10:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson today is on deliverance from sin.  There is a common expression these days that goes like this, “I got saved and immediately the Lord delivered me from such and such a sin.”  Sometimes, that happens.  The appetite for the...

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Did Samuel Come Up? 1 Sam 28:7-20

Did Samuel Come Up? 1 Sam. 28: 7-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Several people have asked, over the years, whether the woman with the familiar spirit in 1 Sam 28:7-20 really called up Samuel.  Most of them believe that Samuel didn’t really come up, but rather that the voice of the...

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Walk In Victory Over Fear, Heb 2:15

Walk In Victory Over Fear Heb.2:15 CLICKTITLE FOR AUDIO There are four things of which Christians are particularly afraid.  Christians fear the loss of their life, their self-esteem or self-worth, their reputation and their dignity.  Put another way, Christians fear death, falling, dishonor and derision.  As my former pastor used to...

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Mercy and Truth, Prov 14:22

Mercy and Truth Prov. 14:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 14:22, the Lord said, “Do they not err that devise evil? but mercy and truth shall be to them that devise good.” To devise is to conceive or imagine a thing, to plan to bring about something. So, a man...

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Working After You Are Dead

Working After You Are Dead 2 Kings 13:14-21 In the passage we see the sickness and death of Elisha. Even after Elisha a miracle takes place. A dead man is thrown into his sepulchre and when the man’s body touches the bones of Elisha he was brought back to life....

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Who is this King of Glory?

Who is this King of Glory? Matthew 2:1-12 In this sermon we will be looking at Jesus Christ as the Lord of Host and King of Glory from the viewpoint of the visit by the wise men when Jesus was born. The wise came to Jerusalem in search of a...

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Eat My Flesh, Jn 6:51-62

Eat My Flesh Jn. 6: 51-62 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus taught, he often related what he was teaching to the situation at hand.  He used a proximate example as an illustration. The example was not literal, but typified a spiritual truth.  For instance, in Mk 1:16-18, when he saw...

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