Defy Your Heart, Prov 28:26

Defy Your Heart Prov. 28:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Defy Your Heart Prov 28:26 says, “he that trusteth in his own heart is a fool”.  If you are following your heart in a matter, you’d better be very careful because your heart is prone to lead you astray.  In times when...

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Preparing For Death, Ecc 3:2

Solomon said that there is a time to be born, and a time to die.  None of us really likes to think about death.  However, if the time of the Lord’s return for us is still a ways off, many of us are going to the Lord by way of...

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The Prophecy of Tyre, Ezek 26:1-21

In Ezek 26:1-21, Ezekiel gives the prophecy of Tyre.  Tyre was a seaport city on the Mediterranean coast in southern Lebanon.  It was 12 miles north of the border with modern Israel and 25 miles south of Sidon, modern day Saydā. It was a major Phoenician seaport from 2000 BC. ...

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The Eyes of the Lord, Heb 4:13

In the Bible we find much bout the eyes of the Lord.  Today, we’re going to look at five characteristics of his eyes.  The eyes of the Lord are: Compassionate eyes – Matt 9:36.  When he saw the multitude he was moved with compassion.  In the earthy ministry of Jesus,...

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Cannibalism, Lam 2:20

Cannibalism Lam. 2:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question raised in Lam 2:20 concerns cannibalism. “Shall the women eat their fruit, and the children of a span long”?  Can you imagine a circumstance in which a mother would eat her own children?  For one thing, that level of starvation is unheard of in...

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That Ye May Know, Eph 1:17-19

Eph 1:17-19 is Paul’s prayer for the Ephesians.  In this prayer we see that God gives you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him.  As you know him, he gives you this spirit and enlightens the eyes of your understanding that YE MAY KNOW three things. ...

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I Cannot Away With, Is 1:13

I Cannot Away With Is. 1:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 1:13, we read an expression that is not so common today.  The Lord said, regarding Judah’s oblations, incense, new moons and Sabbaths, “I cannot away with.”  At first, the expression on its own doesn’t seem to make much sense. ...

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Labour of Love, 1 Thes 1:3

Labour of Love 1 Thes. 1:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We hear an awful lot of talk about love these days but we don’t see so much of it.  Talk is cheap.  If you want the people you love to know that you love them then you need to start doing...

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Defeating the Giants, 1 Sam 17:4-51

Defeating the Giants in Your Life 1 Sam 17: 4-51 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson on defeating the giants in your life is based upon the scriptures that record David’s fight with Goliath.  This sermon is meant to encourage you in your fight against the giant or giants in your...

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Lee Cadenhead – Cain vs Seth, Gen 4

Bro Lee Cadenhead preached from Gen 4 on the difference between Cain’s descendants and Seth’s.  This is an analysis of Cain vs Seth. The differences are indicative of the difference we see today between the direction the world is heading and the direction we should be heading as Christians.  His...

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