Thou Art With Me, Ps 23:4

Ps 23:4 says, “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”.  Ever since the devil fell, death has loomed over God’s creation.  Death entered into the world when...

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Handfuls of Purpose

Handfuls of Purpose Ruth 2:16 The book of Ruth is full of wonderful typology that makes excellent preaching even for us today. In this sermon we will look at handfuls of purpose left by the Boaz’s men for Ruth and try to glean somethings regarding the handfuls of purpose that...

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Would You Believe the Writing on the Wall?

Would You Believe the Writing on the Wall? Daniel 5:1-30 The passage for this sermon tells the story of how the Medes and the Persians defeated Babylon and killed Belshazzar and became the ruler of the known world at the time. In this story God sent a hand to write...

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What does the Word of God Mean to You?

What does the Word of God mean to you? (Job 23:12) In the verse for our study we see what Job thought concerning the word of God. He said that he esteemed the words of God more than his necessary food.  To esteem something is to place a high value...

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Bountiful Sowing, 2 Cor 9:6

In 2 Cor 9:6, Paul encouraged the Corinthians to give bountifully to the poor saints in Jerusalem.  He used the law of the land to demonstrate that bountiful sowing results in bountiful reaping and bountiful giving results in bountiful reaping, as well.   Whether people sow sparingly or bountifully both...

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The Land Is Defiled, Lev 18:25-28

The Land is Defiled Lev 18: 25-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We find several references in the Bible to the land being defiled by the sins of men in the land.  The first of these references is found in Lev 18:25-28 which says that the land is defiled by the following...

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Starting Right, Matt 6:33

18-01-01-Matt-6-33-Starting-Off-Right CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After a season of gifts and family visits it is time to return to the business of living for the Lord.  So much attention is given to temporal and worldly things during the Holiday season that people drift away from the Lord.  It’s time to...

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Love the Lost, 1 Thes 3:12

The most effectual ministers of the gospel are those who love the people to whom they are ministering.  This love is not merely human love; it’s the love of God.  And it was most apparent in the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Not only did he dearly love his...

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The Path of Life, Ps 16:7-11

In Ps 16:11, David wrote, “Thou wilt shew me the path of life”.  Today, we are going to discuss this path. The Lord Will Shew You the Path of Life When You: Follow His Counsel, Ps 16:7.  David wrote, “I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel”.  David...

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The Destruction of Egypt, Ezek 30

In Ezek 30:1-26 we will study the destruction of Egypt.  The prophecy has a two fold application.  It was fulfilled, in part, when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Egypt after he attacked Judah.  And it will be ultimately fulfilled at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.   v.2 Prophesy Thus...

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