Abound in Diligence, 2 Cor 8:7

When Paul wrote the Corinthians about their offering for the poor saints in Jerusalem, he complimented them on abounding in some wonderful things he could see in the congregation.  From what he wrote, we see our own need to abound in diligence. In 2 Cor 8:7, they abounded in faith...

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All In, Jos 14:8-9, 14

In Jos 14:8-9, 14, Caleb’s testimony is that he wholly followed the Lord.  He was all in. He stood with God against the spies and the multitude who feared to go into the land of Canaan.  Today we want to see how we can wholly follow the Lord like Caleb...

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Ezekiel’s Wife Dies, Ezek 24:15-27

In Ezek 24:15-27, Ezekiel’s wife dies, and Ezekiel neither mourns nor weeps as a sign to Israel. The Lord’s Announcement and Instructions to Ezekiel In v.16 the Lord announces that he will take away Ezekiel’s wife with a stroke.  She is the desire of his eyes.  And when God takes...

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Carried Away, Rev 12:15

Rev 12:15 says And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the women, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. Doctrinally, in the Tribulation, the devil will be trying to destroy Israel once and for all.  In Rev 12:15 he...

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Self Justification, Job 32:1-2

In self justification a person justifies himself.  There are generally three means by which he does this. In self justification you: Abase God – Job 32:1-2.  Job was righteous in his own eyes.  He justified himself rather than God.  See Job 34:4-12.  Far be it from God that he should...

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Choose You This Day, Jos 24:14-15

In Jos 24:14-15, at the end of Joshua’s life, he charged Israel with one final command.  He commanded them to choose this day whom they would serve. He said to Israel: Fear the Lord.  If you had a dad or a boss or a commander that you feared, you did...

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Parable of a Boiling Pot, Ezek 24:1-14

The Day of the Parable of a Boiling Pot – Ezek 24:1-2 The exact day of the parable of a boiling pot is the day the siege of Jerusalem began. 2 Ki 25:1, it was in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month. ...

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Why Call Me Lord, Lk 6:46

In Lk 6:46 Jesus asked his disciples, “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say”?  That’s an excellent and compelling question.  Why call me Lord? It’s interesting to note the context in which he asked this question. Beginning in Lk 6:20, Jesus spoke...

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To Seek and Save, Lk 19:1-10

Jesus Came to Seek and Save the Lost Lk 19:1-10 is the story of Zacchaeus, and how he came to Jesus. According to Lk 19:10 Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost”.  When Jesus saw Zacchaeus, he knew that Zacchaeus was lost.  And he came to...

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Aholah and Aholibah, Ezek 23:1-49

Aholah and Aholibah In Ezek 23:1-49, Ezekiel prophesied of the whoredom of two women, Aholah and Aholibah.   In v.2, the two women are Samaria and Jerusalem. Samaria refers to the ten northern tribes of Israel, because Samaria was the city of the kings, beginning with Omri, 1 Ki 16:23-24. ...

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