The Soul That Sinneth, Ezek 18:1-32

The Soul That Sinneth, It Shall Die Ezek 18 is about personal accountability to God.  Ezek 18:4 says, “the soul that sinneth, it shall die”.  In other words, each man in Israel was judged on the merits of his own righteousness or his own wickedness.  He would not die for...

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Declaration of Independence, Jn 8:36

Declaration of Independence Jn 8:36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Excerpts from the declaration of independence encourage us to declare our independence from our former tyrannical rulers, the devil, the world and the flesh. When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands...

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Obey God’s Words, Hag 1:12-13

Obey God’s Words In Hag 1:12-13 “the remnant of the people, obeyed the voice of the Lord their God, and the words of Haggai the prophet”.  Therefore, the Lord replied through Haggai, “I am with you, saith the Lord”.  When the people obeyed God’s words, the Lord was with them. ...

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God’s Love, 1 Jn 4:8

God is love.  There are certainly many characteristics of God.  God’s love is one of the principal ones.  God’s Love Is: Perfect Love In Matt 5:43-48 God even loves his enemies.  There is a time for judgment, of course.  But look how he has given everything to his enemies.  In...

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Two Eagles and A Vine, Ezek 17:1-24

Ezek 17:1-24 is a parable of two great eagles and a vine.  It applies to the reigns of Jehoiachin and Zedekiah in Judah and their captivity in Babylon.  It’s ultimate fulfillment will be at the second advent when Jesus Christ destroys the antichrist and begins to reign. The Two Eagles...

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Ahead of Time, Lk 4:5-7

The Devil Offers You Something Good Ahead of Time One way the devil tempts you is to offer you something good ahead of time.  He offers you something now that he knows you’re going to get later.  In this, the devil is very subtle.  You can have what you want...

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Why We Sing, Col 3:16

The reason why we sing is that, in Col 3:16 and Eph 5:19, the Lord told us to sing. God’s creation started with singing. In Job 38:4-7 the morning stars sang together.  The nation of Israel sang their great song of deliverance in Ex 15 after God drowned Pharaoh and...

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God Turns the Wayward, Ps 119:67

How God Turns the Wayward This sermon is on how God turns the wayward.  When you raise your children, you never intend for them to stray from the Lord.  Yet, many children do, particularly these days and in families of first generation Christians.  Then we try to get them to...

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Relations With Jerusalem, Ezek 16:1-63

God’s Relations with Jerusalem Ezek 16:1-63 details some of the particulars of God’s relations with Jerusalem from their beginning through the Tribulation. The Birth of Jerusalem – Ezek 16:3-5 Jerusalem was a city of the Jebusites, Jos 15:8, 15:63.  The Jebusites were Canaanites, Gen 10:15-16.  The Lord said, “Thy father...

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Modern Versions Checklist – Dr Sam Gipp

These are some of the verses to check out in modern versions that demonstrate why the King James Bible is the best Bible. Modern Versions – Changes Against the Truth Acts 12:4 – “Easter”. The correct translation of the word “pascha”. Mk 1:1-3 – “written in the prophets”. Verse 2...

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