Follow Jesus, Matt 4:18-22

The Disciples Left Something to Follow Jesus In Matt 4:18-20, Jesus said to Peter and Andrew, “Follow me… and they straightway left their nets and followed him.”  Notice that they left their nets.  In Matt 4:21-22, John and James “left the ship and their father, and followed him.”  Notice that...

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The Provision of God, Phil 4:10-13

The Provision of God The Example of Jesus This message is about learning to work within the provision of God.  We see a great example in Jesus Christ.  Before Jesus started his ministry he had good parents to whom he was subject (Lk 2:51), he had a good teacher in...

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Jesus’s Resurrection, 1 Cor 15:3-8

Jesus’s Resurrection Sunday This Sunday is regarded by many as Easter Sunday.  But “Easter” is not about Jesus’s resurrection.  Easter is the name of a female pagan goddess.  Therefore, we refer to this day as Resurrection Sunday, the day of Jesus’s resurrection from the dead.  Notice these great truths regarding...

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Great Abominations in Israel, Ezek 8:1-18

In Ezek 8:1-18, Ezekiel sees, in the visions of God, Israel’s great abominations in Jerusalem.  There are four great abominations that he sees when he gets there: the image of jealousy, idols portrayed on the wall, women weeping for Tammuz, and men worshipping the sun.  When Ezekiel sees them, he...

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Persuaded by the Resurrection, Lk 16:31

A conversation with the rich man in hell In Lk 16:19-31, when the rich man was in hell, he asked Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers to keep them from coming “into this place of torment,” Lk 16:28.  Yet, Abraham replied, “They have Moses and the prophets; let them...

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Good Friday, Lk 23:54

The Tradition of Good Friday The day of Jesus’s crucifixion has been called Good Friday for many years.  The origin of the name is unclear. However, the Roman Catholic Church has observed the day on the liturgical calendar since the 4th century.  And so, the observance of Good Friday has...

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Obedience Unto Righteousness, Rom 6:16

A servant of obedience unto righteousness In Rom 6:16 Paul said, “his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness.”  As we consider this verse, it becomes apparent that God wants us to obey him rather than sin.  We obey God...

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Easter in the KJV Acts 12:4

Easter in the KJV Acts 12:4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pascha Translated Easter One of the supposed “errors” in the King James Bible is the word “Easter” in Acts 12:4.  The problem stems from the translation of a Greek word.  The word in Greek is “pascha.”  This word is translated every...

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How to Lead Neighbors to Jesus, Ex 12:4

Lead Neighbors to Jesus Ex 12:4 says, “… the lamb, let him and his neighbor next unto his house take it according to the number of the souls…”. From this text we’re going to preach about how to lead neighbors to Jesus.  Our text is from the Lord’s instructions to...

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Faith in Christ, Acts 24:22-27

Preaching Faith in Christ Felix “sent for Paul, and heard him concerning the faith in Christ. And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have convenient season, I will call for thee,” Acts 24:24-25.  Felix...

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