Prophecy Against the Mountains, Ezek 6:1-14

Ezek 6 is a prophecy against the mountains of Israel, which is where idols were worshipped in the high places.  This prophecy against the mountains includes prophecies about: The destruction of the high places – Ezek 6:1-7 – Ezekiel prophesies to the mountains, hills, rivers, and valleys. The Lord said...

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Happy Are Ye If Ye Do Them, Jn 13:17

In Jn 13:17 Jesus said, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”  “These things” that he wanted them to know are found in the context.  The context is Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, among whom was Judas Iscariot, Jn 13:2, 10-11, 21.  He...

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How To Have A Good Name, Prov 22:1

In Prov 22:1, Solomon said, “A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.”  He’s saying that sometimes you have to choose between a good name and a great fortune.   For example, Judas Iscariot chose to have great riches,...

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What God Committed to Us, 2 Cor 5:18-21

In the Bible, the word “commit” is used in two principle ways.  It either means to do or perpetrate something, like commit adultery, commit iniquity, commit sin, or it means to give in trust, to put into the hands or power of another.  This is the way it is first...

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Sign of Ezekiel’s Hair, Ezek 5:1-17

In Ezek 5, Ezekiel was instructed to shave off his hair and beard as a sign to Jerusalem.    This sign showed the men of Judah the thoroughness with which the Lord intended to destroy those who refused to do his statutes and judgments. The sign of Ezekiel’s hair – Ezekiel...

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Pastor John Robinson – How To Fulfill 1 Cor 15:58

This verse almost seems out of place in consideration of the 57 preceding verses.● The chapter begins with what we find to be the most definitive summarization of the gospel:○ vs.3-4 Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, he was buried, and he rose again the third day...

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Pastor John Robinson – Things That Are Wanting, Titus 1:5

Pastor John Robinson preached from Titus 1:5 on things that are wanting or lacking in churches toward missions.  Ecc 1:15 says, “that which is wanting cannot be numbered.”  There is no want of lost souls and needy people, and there is no want of technology, transportation, communication, or money to...

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