The Sign of the Siege and Famine, Ezek 4:1-17

In Ezekiel 4, Ezekiel gives two signs to Israel and Judah about the coming sieges of both countries and the consequent famines.   The sign of the siege – Ezek 4:1-8 – Ezekiel is instructed to portray Jerusalem on a tile.  This would have been a clay tile, upon which he...

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How to Keep From Being Afraid, Ps 27:1-4

In Ps 27:1, David asked two questions.  The first is, “Whom shall I fear?”  The second is, “Of whom shall I be afraid?”  When you ask yourself these two questions, it seems that there is always someone who is big enough and bad enough to scare you.  When you consider...

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Advice About Your Inheritance, Eph 1:11

According to Eph 1:11, when you were saved, you obtained an inheritance from the Lord.  The simplest way to put it is that you inherited eternal life.  This is what the rich, young ruler was after.  He asked Jesus what he must do “to inherit eternal life.” You can look...

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What You Lay Hold On, 1 Tim 6:17-19

Lay hold on eternal life, 1 Tim 6:19, 12.  To lay hold is to grasp, to seize, and to take possession.  What you lay hold on, reveals: What you love – 1 Tim 6:17 – there are those who are “rich in this world.”  Their temptation is to love earthly treasure rather...

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A Watchman, Ezek 3:15-27

Our lesson today is from Ezek 3:15-27.  In Ezek 3:14, Ezekiel was transported by the spirit to Telabib by the river Chebar, where those who had been taken captive dwelt.  What he saw astonished him.  And so he sat among them seven days.  There God made Ezekiel the watchman for the...

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God Has A Plan

God Has A Plan John 6:1-14 Introduction: Pray Read the passage.           Great Account of this miracle, in all four Gospels. [Verse 5-6] Jesus had a plan, and it worked out perfectly. He was never surprised. Every choice that you have ever made, Jesus had a plan! All too often, we devise our plan...

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Ministry of a Prophet, Ezek 3:4-14

The ministry of a prophet is unique.  He’s certainly not a pastor.  He’s not trying to shepherd a flock of people and establish a local ministry where he is sent. He preaches God’s words and often what he has to say is very negative.  In Ezek 3:4-14, we see some...

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Keep The Unity of the Spirit, Eph 4:3

When we trusted Christ as our Savior, we were made one with him.  Through the Holy Spirit, we are in the body of Christ and we are members of one another, Rom 12:5; Eph 4:25.  So, without a doubt, there is union.  And that union is unbreakable.  We are sealed...

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A Prophet Among Them, Ezek 2:1 – 3:3

We’re studying Ezek 2:1-3:3 in this lesson.  Ezek 2:5 says, “And they… shall know that there hath been a prophet among them.”  There are several things that we see in this passage concerning Ezekiel that are true of God’s prophets.   A prophet hears from God – Ezek 2:1-3 – God...

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Choice Silver and a Precious Jewel, Prov 10:20

Your tongue can be as choice silver and your lips can be a precious jewel.  Yet, James said that the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity… and it is set on fire of hell,” Jas 3:6-8.  Tonight we’re going to discuss “the tongue of the just,” Prov 10:20...

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