A Man Void of Understanding, Prov 7:6-10

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In the Proverbs, we find the expression, “void of understanding” five times.  Studying the references containing this phrase is interesting and very instructive. So, in this sermon, we’ll look at these verses in their context and see what we can...

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Not By Sight, 2 Cor 5:7

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 2 Cor 5:7, “We walk by faith, not by sight.”  Faith is the evidence of things not seen, Heb 11:1.  It’s found in hearing the words of God, Rom 1:17.  Sight is, of course, the view you have of...

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My Spirit Faileth, Ps 143:7-8

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SESRMON In Ps 143:7, David prayed to the Lord and said, “Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit faileth.”  When your spirit fails it’s entirely exhausted, it’s deficient, or it’s diminished.  It seems that a black cloud has just settled in above you, cutting you off...

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A Great Tempest in the Sea, Matt 8:24

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON When you find yourself sailing thorough a tempest: Remember how you got there – Matt 8:23.  They followed Jesus into the ship.  The disciples didn’t bring this storm on themselves. They got into this tempest by simply following Jesus.  When you...

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Salutations, Col 4:12-18

In Paul’s salutations at the end of his epistle to the Colossians, we find some interesting tidbits in the things he wrote to those he mentioned.  He mentioned: Epaphras, a servant of Christ – Col 4:12-13 – Epaphras is also mentioned in Phm 23 as a fellow prisoner, in Col...

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On The First Day, 2 Chr 29:17

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 2 Chr 29:3-5, Hezekiah told the priests and the Levites to sanctify themselves and to sanctify the house of the Lord. He said, “Carry forth the filthiness out of the holy place.”   In 2 Chr 29:17, “they began...

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Gathered Together For War, Ps 140:1-13

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In Ps 140:2 David wrote, “continually are they gathered together for war.”  Men fight.  That’s just what they do.  They fight over land, over women, over control, over territory, over the kids, over politics, over religion, etc.  You name it;...

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God Extended Mercy Unto Us, Ezra 9:9

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Ezra 9:9 is a good picture of what we are to do after we get saved or after we get right with God following a big detour into sin.  Before we were saved or while we were on the detour,...

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Fellow Workers, Col 4:7-11

Our lesson covers Col 4:7-11.  In Col 4:11 Paul wrote, “These only are my fellow workers unto the kingdom of God.”  In this lesson we will get a little insight into Paul’s fellow workers. Tychicus – Col 4:7-8 – first mentioned in Acts 20:4 “of Asia, Tychicus and Trophimus.”  He...

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