God Chose Moses Ex 4:4-10

God Chose Moses Ex 4:4-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God chose Moses, but evidently not for his eloquence.  So, if Moses wasn’t chosen for his eloquence, for what was he chosen [Ex 4:10]?  Moses was God’s choice because of: His humility 3:11 – he fell on his face when he prayed...

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Principles When Making Decisions, Ps 46:10

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON When you’re trying to decide something, there are some truths in the Bible that you must follow.  We’ve said many times that your decisions must line up with the Bible, with good counsel, with prayer, and with the unfolding of circumstances (lastly).  These truths about...

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What You Can Do For Missions, 2 Cor 1:8-11

If you aren’t called to the mission field, you can still do much to help missionaries who are called.  I often remark that I disdain comments from missionaries like “stay by the stuff,” 1 Sam 30:24, and “hold the rope,” Acts 9:25.  We’re not sitting around in our churches with...

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Be Content, Lk 3:14

To “be content” is a command in the Bible.  Therefore: Be content with your salary – Lk 3:14 – the laborers who agreed for a penny a day, and labored all day to get it, were upset when those who labored the last hour of the day were given the...

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Everything is Spiritual

 Everything is Spiritual John 4:6-24 In this passage Jesus makes an interesting statement to the woman at the well. He tells her that, “God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” In this sermon we are going to look at how...

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Fear God for Nought?

Fear God for Nought? Job 1:9 Introduction: Read Job 1:1-12 Satan laid out four ways that God has hedged Job in, and claims that is why Job fears God Satan does not question that he is a perfect and upright man, and escheweth evil, those things are clearly seen. Truly...

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Giving to Missions, 2 Cor 9:6

Giving to missions is based on God’s promise in 2 Cor 9:6, “But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.” You sow sparingly and you will reap sparingly. That’s a truth. Likewise, you sow bountifully and you...

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The People Had a Mind to Work Neh. 1:1-4, 4:6

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Nehemiah 4:6- “for the people had a mind to work”. The mind that Nehemiah is referring to here is a mind to work for the Lord. Vs 11.Introduction: What are they doing? Nehemiah Chapter 1:1-4So you’ve heard the Lord speaking...

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Rely on God

Rely on God 2 Chron.13-16 Introduction: Read 13:1-3, summarize and 13:17-18 (First use of “relied”) “Relied” only in Bible 3 times. “Rely” only once! God has only one context for this word, Rely on God! Examples of Definition: Your car, depended totally on it to get here Children rely on...

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