Battle for the Truth, Dan 8:12

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Let’s read Dan 8:1-12.  The interpretation of the vision Daniel saw is in Dan 8:19-25.  The interpretation reveals the coming work of the antichrist.  Look again at Dan 8:12, when the antichrist comes, he will “cast down the truth to...

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Complete in Him, Col 2:10-17

Our Sunday school lesson today is from Col 2:10-17.  In Col 2:10, Paul wrote, “ye are complete in him.”  The implications of this truth are covered in the rest of the passage that we’re studying.  Complete here has the meaning of perfect, having no deficiency.  Because we are in Christ,...

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Do All Things With Charity, 1 Cor 16:14

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Two Wednesday’s ago, I preached on Four Imperatives for Life from 1 Cor 16:13.  These imperatives are Watch, Stand Fast, Quit like Men, and Be Strong.  Tonight, we are going to discuss the next verse, 1 Cor 16:14, which says...

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When Your Children Go Astray, Prov 10:1

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON This sermon is how to move on when you have a child who is a fool, on a path of destruction, running from God, doing abominable things, and so forth.  Feel the pain – It’s going to hurt.  Prov 10:1,...

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We Are Commanded to Beware, Matt 7:15-20

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In several places in our Bible, we are commanded to beware.  We are to be on guard against someone who or something which can destroy us and our faith in Christ.  When you see this word, you should carefully consider...

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Beware Of Philosophies and Vain Deceits, Col 2:8-9

In Col 2:8-9, Paul warned us to beware of, that is, to guard ourselves against, men who would spoil us.  When men spoil you, they corrupt you.  Men can spoil you through philosophy and deceit, particularly philosophy and deceit after the tradition of men or the rudiments of the world. ...

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Like Minded Phil. 3:13

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Philippians 3:13-15 &16 Introduction: The Apostle Paul here is exhorting the brethren to be like minded in these things, to have the same mind. We can be like minded and not think alike. The question here is what kind of...

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Conditions of Favor With God, 1 Sam 12:14-15

Conditions for Gods Favor 1 Sam.12: 14-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Samuel told Israel that despite choosing a king, God would still give them favor if they would meet certain conditions.  We call these “conditions for favor with God.”  To have favor with God, you must be: God Fearing – 1...

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Four Things to Flee, 1 Cor 6:18

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Four times in the New Testament we are told to flee.  When we encounter any of these things, we are to hightail it out of there.  We aren’t to negotiate or placate; we are just to run away as we...

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We Are Of The Truth, 1 Jn 3:19

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON We, who are saved, are of the truth, 1 Jn 3:19.  Men of corrupt minds are “destitute of the truth,” 1 Tim 6:5.  They tell lies and we know “that no lie is of the truth,” 1 Jn 2:21.  ...

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