The Multitude Rose Up, Acts 16:22

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON We learn much about human nature and the reactions of people from reading the Bible.  And we shouldn’t ignore these things when we’re preaching just because they don’t move us to a particular response at the time.  The inspiration of...

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Three Areas of Weakness, Num 15:39

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON There are at least three main areas of weakness in each of us.  In Num 15:39, we see two of these areas, our eyes and our heart.  In Ps 7:9 we see the other one, our reins.  Our perception is...

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Prophecies Concerning Israel, Part 3

In the last two Sunday school lessons, we looked at some prophecies concerning Israel that are commonly believed to have been already fulfilled.  These are prophecies that foretell the regathering of Israel, the restoration of the desert, the rebirth of the nation, and so forth.  All of these prophecies, that...

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Shall Be Destroyed, 1 Cor 15:26

______________________________________________________________________________ 1 Cor 15:26 says, “The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.”  The future destruction of death is as certain as the day.  Death will be destroyed.  There is no doubt about it.  But notice the long-suffering of God.  Death entered the world when Adam sinned, Rom 5:12. ...

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The Lord is My Strength, Ps 118:14

Ps 118:14 has a nice outline built right into the text.  The Lord is my strength, my song, and my salvation.  This is a very encouraging text for us today.  Notice what the Lord is to us. The Lord is my strength – We need to keep the Lord close...

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Walk in the Law of the Lord, Ps 119:1-16

Ps 119:1 says, “Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord.”  If you want to be truly blessed of the Lord, “walk in the law of the Lord.”  When you walk in the law of the Lord: You’ll be blessed – Ps 119:1-2...

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Prophecies Concerning Israel, Part 2, Is 35:1

We began a study last week on some commonly misunderstood prophecies concerning Israel.  Many believe that the prophecies we studied last week and the ones we are studying this week have already been fulfilled.  They haven’t been fulfilled, as you will be able to discern when you read the contexts...

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Bible Misunderstanding, 2 Pet 2:1

Bible Misunderstanding 2 Pet. 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How can I prevent Bible misunderstanding?  This lesson is, in effect, a continuation of the previous broadcast on Bible Understanding.  The two broadcasts together will help you with your Bible study. To prevent Bible misunderstanding, it will be wise to follow some...

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Void of Offence, Acts 24:16

In Acts 24:16 Paul said, “And herein do I exercise myself, to have always a conscience void of offence toward God, and toward men.”  Paul exercised himself to have always a conscience void of offence. And he was determined that he would be void of offence toward God and toward...

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Prophecies Concerning Israel, Dan 12:12

I recently watched the 13 episodes of Michael Greenspan’s “Against All Odds: Israel Survives.”  It aired in 2005 and explores the possibility of miracles in the survival of Israel as a nation.  In several of the episodes, there are references to prophecies concerning Israel.  We want to discuss some of...

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