Now Are Ye Light, Eph 5:8-14

This Sunday school lesson is from Eph 5:8-14 which deals with Christians as children of light.  In Eph 5:8, Paul wrote, “For ye were sometimes darkness.”  “Sometimes” here is defined as “at one time,” as in Eph 2:13.  Before we were saved we were darkness.  Now that we are saved...

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Good Signs of His Coming, 1 Thes 1:9-10

Shortly after news of the coronavirus first broke in the United States, Christians started asking, “Do you think this is a sign of the end times?”  And so I preached the message that compared the coronavirus with Biblical pestilences because I didn’t believe that this was a Biblical pestilence.  ...

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Deciding What To Do, Est 8:5

When you’re trying to figure out what to do, there are some instructions in Est 8:5 that will help you to decide.  The verse is not exhaustive on the subject, but it is a good verse that gives us four things to consider when we’re trying to decide what to...

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Factors Determining Our Inheritance, Eph 5:5

When we are saved, God gives us eternal life.  “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” Rom 6:23.  After we are raptured to be with God in heaven, he will also give us an inheritance.  “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we...

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God’s Standards, Eph 5:1-7

We’re Bible believers and Bible believers are supposed to have standards.  Typical standards govern hair style and length, dress, dating, attendance, giving, soul winning, and so forth.  These are generally set by men for men. They keep pastors and churches from becoming too much like the world. They add some...

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Your Thoughts, Is 55:8-9

Is 55:8-9 says that God’s thoughts and man’s thoughts are not the same.  The Lord said, “my thoughts are not your thoughts.”  He said, “my thoughts (are higher) than your thoughts.”  When you think about a subject, and you come up with something other than what God thinks, you are...

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We Are His Sheep, Jn 10:27

In Jn 10, Jesus likens each of us to his sheep.  Our relationship is that of a shepherd to sheep.  He is our shepherd; we are his sheep.  In Jn 10:27 he called us “My sheep.”  As his sheep there are three things that we should do according to this...

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Keeping the Body Together, Col 3:12-17

Our text is Col 3:12-17.  In Col 3:15, we read, “ye are called in one body.”  The Lord Jesus Christ has called us together into one body.  We are in him and therefore we are connected together.   However, there are many forces working against keeping the body together.  The...

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Put Off the Old, Put On the New, Eph 4:20-32

In Eph 4:20-32, Paul gave us very practical instructions about the Christian life.  He told us to put off the old man and to put on the new man.   We must put off the old man because he is “corrupt according to the deceitful lusts,” Eph 4:22.  We are...

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A Flock of Sheep, 1 Pet 5:2-3

In 1 Pet 5:1-4, Peter exhorted the elders, who were among the scattered strangers to whom he wrote this epistle, 1 Pet 1:1. He told them, in verses 2 and 3, to “Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly;...

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