Benefits of Following the Word, Ps 119:168

Last Wednesday night we saw from Ps 148, that everything in the universe is governed by the words of God.  Likewise, you should allow the words of God to govern all areas of your life.  All of your paths, your convictions, your responsibilities, your privileges, your instructions, and your duties...

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The Wrathful Man, Prov 15:18

This week we are preaching on the men in the Book of Proverbs.  Today we’ll be discussing the wrathful man.  He has trouble with anger.  He has no rule over his own spirit [Prov 25:28].  The wrathful man: Stirs up strife – Prov 15:18 – the wrathful man stirreth up...

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The Evil Man, Prov 2:12-15

This week, we’ll study the men in Proverbs.  Today, we begin this series with a lesson on the evil man starting in Prov 2:12-15.  The evil man: Leaves the paths of uprightness – Prov 2:13 – a righteous man has to depart from the way of righteousness to enter the...

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Put on the New, Eph 4:21-24

In Eph 4:22-24, we find one of the best passages on how to live the Christian life.  Before we were saved, we did everything “according to the deceitful lusts,” [Eph 4:22] of the old man.  After we get saved, we are suddenly supposed to do things differently.  And that can...

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The Virtuous Woman, Prov 31:10-31

This week, we have been studying the women in the Book of Proverbs.  Today is the final broadcast in this series.  We are going to study the remaining women mentioned in Solomon’s proverbs.  They are the virtuous woman, the God-fearing woman, the wise woman and the gracious woman.  These fit...

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The Contentious Woman, Prov 21:16

We have been studying women in the Book of Proverbs.  If you have been following this series for the past few days, we have already discussed the strange woman, the adulterous woman, and the foolish woman.  Today we are going to preach on the contentious woman.  Tomorrow, as we conclude...

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Fulfilling His Word, Ps 148:1-14

Ps 148:5 says, “for he commanded, and they were created,” speaking of the angels, hosts, sun, moon, stars, heavens, etc.  In Ps 148:6, we read, “he hath made a decree which shall not pass.”  And then in Ps 148:8, he writes of things like “fire, and hail; snow, and vapor;...

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The Foolish Woman, Prov 9:13-18

We have been studying the women in the Book of Proverbs, this week.  Solomon describes thirteen different women in his proverbs.  Today, we are going to study the foolish woman and the fair woman which is without discretion.   The foolish woman – Prov 9:13-18 – in this passage we...

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The Whorish Woman, Prov 6:26

This week, we are studying the women in the Book of Proverbs.  Solomon describes thirteen different women in his proverbs.  And so we have grouped these into five lessons so we can discuss each thoroughly enough to help you learn what the Bible says about them.  Today we are studying...

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