The Helmet of Salvation, Eph 6:17

In Eph 6:11-18 we read about the whole armor of God.  In the next few weeks, we are going to study each piece of this armor.  Tonight we will study the helmet of salvation, Eph 6:17.   The whole armor of God is given to us to stand against the...

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What Can Defile Man Mk 7:14-23

What Can Defile A Man Mk 7:14-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What can defile man?  Nothing from without, entering into a man, can defile him. It’s the things which come out of him that defile man. There is much attention these days on selecting only organic foods, eating gluten-free foods, maintaining...

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Living Within God’s Provisions, Lk 22:9-13

Living Within God’s Provisions Lk 22:9-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the earthly ministry of Jesus you see that he was living within Gods provisions his entire life.  We need to learn from his example and live our lives within Gods provisions, as well.  When you consider your own...

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Comely in Going, Prov 30:29-31

Recently, I heard Joel Haynes preach on this text and apply the characteristics of these three animals and the king to Jesus Christ.  He emphasized that these four are comely “in going.”  I had missed that in my reading of this text.  Thinking about this text, I also see similarities...

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Suffering as a Christian, 1 Pet 4:12-19

Peter deals with Christian suffering in 1 Pet 4:12-19.  We’ll study, from this passage, the reasons for suffering and our responses to suffering. Reasons for suffering.  You’ll suffer: The fiery trial – 1 Pet 4:12-13 – this fiery trial could be literal like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Dan 3:6-30. ...

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Balance is the Key

Balance is the Key In the book of Proverbs we see that God is very much against false balances and weights. One of the main reasons for this is that God is balanced. In this lesson we will look at God as a balanced being and man as not a...

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Shame, Prov 3:35

Shame Prov. 3:35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To shame others is to cause them to feel the pain of having lost the respect of others because of improper behavior.  It is dishonor or disgrace.  In the Bible we find many different examples of this which should help us to understand...

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What do you see in the Rainbow

What do you see in the Rainbow? (Genesis 9:8-17) In this passage God makes a covenant with Noah and promises never to destroy the earth with a flood again. As a token of this covenant God gives the rainbow. The rainbow has been taken and used not in the way...

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A Gauge of Your Faith

A Gauge of Your Faith Mark 6:1-6 ; Luke 7:1-10 In these two passages we find the only two places in the King James Bible where Jesus is said to Marvel at something. In Mark he marvels at their lack of faith and in Luke he marvels at the great...

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