Ready to Preach, Rom 1:15

Ready Corpus Christi is an emergency preparedness guide for residents.  On the Ready Corpus Christi website you will find things like “Be Ready for a Hurricane.” This is a publication that is also mailed to residents before Hurricane season.  It describes the preparations that you need to make at the...

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Dwell in Safety, Ps 4:1-8

Ps 4:1-8 contains some great spiritual instructions on how to dwell safely.  Many people follow some practical safety measures, which are wise, like wearing a PFD while in a boat, holding an extension ladder while someone is on it, wearing a safety harness on a steep pitched roof, etc.  But...

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Honour Fathers, Ex 20:12

Today we celebrate Father’s Day.  These days there is so much attention paid to promoting feminism and perverse sexual orientations that fathers are maligned in our society.  Therefore, we want to preach what the Bible says about fathers so that anyone listening can see how God, our creator, designed fatherhood. ...

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Redeemed, Purified, Born Again, 1 Pet 1:18-25

In 1 Pet 1:18-25, we find three things that happened to you when you were saved.  You were redeemed [1 Pet 1:18].  You were purified [1 Pet 1:22].  You were born again [1 Pet 1:23].  In this lesson, we will study these three.  You were: Redeemed by the precious blood...

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The Lord is Good, Ps 34:8

In Ps 34:8 we read “that the Lord is good.”  Indeed he is.  And David didn’t just say that he is good.  He said, “O taste and see that the Lord is good.”  To “taste” that the Lord is good is to “become acquainted with his goodness by experience.”  And...

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Benefits of Patience

The longer you live and the more stuff through which you go, the more you learn about the Christian life.  According to Rom 5:3-5, as you go through things, you’re going to need some patience.  Patience helps you acquire spiritual experience.  However, patience is not something for which you want...

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How to Live After You’re Saved, 1 Pet 1:13-22

Today we are going to study 1 Pet 1:13-22.  The context of this passage is found in 1 Pet 1:9.  It is “the salvation of your souls.”  Peter gives those of us who have gotten saved, some general instructions on how to live our lives now that we are saved. ...

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A Broken Spirit, Ps 34:18

There are many things in the Bible concerning the spirit of man.  One aspect of this spirit is the broken spirit.  In this sermon we’re going to discuss what happens when your spirit is broken. You spirit should be broken at salvation – Ps 34:18 – When you first get...

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Satan Was Listening, Are You?

Satan Was Listening Are You? Luke 4:1-13 In the passage before us Satan tempted the Lord Jesus Christ three different times. In all three cases Jesus defeated Satan by quoting a passage of scripture. But if we look closely to the words that Jesus quoted we can see an interesting...

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Manifesting the Works of God

Manifesting the Works of God Jn.9:1-37 Verses 1-5, imagine yourself as that blind man, hopeless – verse 32 Typology of us being as the blind man lost and without hope Our purpose is to manifest the works of God Do you have a Testimony of the Change? Verses  8-9, People...

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