How to Follow Jesus Today, Matt 4:18-20

This is the combination of a lesson and a sermon on following the Lord.  First, we will study passages from the lives of the disciples to see the requirements, costs and benefits of following the Lord.  Second, we will preach on how we can follow the Lord today, since Jesus...

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Hannah’s Virtue, 1 Sam 1:1-2:21

Hannah was a virtuous woman.  Her husband had two wives, the other of whom was Peninnah.  Peninnah bore children, but Hannah was childless in the early years of her marriage; and this caused her grief.  Rather than envy Peninnah and fuss with her husband about this like Rachel did to...

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A Spiritual Diet Prov. 3:2

A Spiritual Diet Prov. 3:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast we taught on the balanced diet found in scripture.  That is a very practical lesson dealing with the balance of foods that you should eat.  Today’s broadcast is about a spiritual diet.  A spiritual diet involves nourishing yourself...

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A Balanced Diet 1 Tim. 4:3-6

A Balanced Diet 1 Tim. 4:3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Where can you find information for a balanced diet?  You can find a balanced diet in the Bible. So, what comprises a balanced diet?  A balanced diet consists of: Herbs, Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts – Gen 1:29 – just noticing how...

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Five Requirements in Life, Deut 10:12-13

We’ve seen people do well in life and we’ve seen them fail.  The ones who have done well generally have a stronger relationship with the Lord than the ones who have failed.  If you want to strengthen your relationship with the Lord so you can do well, then keep the...

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Engaged, Jer 30:18-22

Our text is Jer 30:18-22.  In verse 21, you see the word “engaged.”  I hear the word “engage” used a lot these days.  Churches are getting their people connected, like the gears of a transmission mesh when they are engaged.  They are also engaged by providing them with something to...

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Flee From The Wrath To Come, Matt 3:7

When John was baptizing people in Israel he said to the Pharisees and Sadducees, “who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”  According to Matt 3:7 wrath is coming.  In Matt 3:10-12, God’s wrath is an unquenchable fire.  Wrath is coming because he’s coming. God is a...

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The Lord’s Supper and Baptism, Matt 26:26-29

The Lord’s Supper In Matt 26:26-29, Jesus was keeping the passover with his disciples.  As they were eating, Jesus said of the bread, “this is my body,” and of the cup containing the fruit of the vine, “this is my blood of the new testament.”  This was passover, wherein Jesus...

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Nehemiah’s Prayer, Neh 1:4-11

In Neh 1:1-11, when Nehemiah heard of the great affliction and reproach in the province of Judah and how the walls were broken down in Jerusalem and how the gates were burned with fire [Neh 1:3], he wept and mourned and then he prayed [Neh 1:4].  Notice some qualities of...

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A Faithful Man, Prov 20:6

Prov 20:6 says, “Most men will proclaim everyone his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?”  When I read this verse, I think of a resumé.  When you prepare a resumé, you highlight all the good stuff you have done, that you hope qualifies you for the job...

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