Supposed Contradictions

Supposed Contradictions CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are supposed contradictions in the Bible.  These supposed contradictions are reconciled by believing the Bible and by realizing that the information in the Bible is supplemental, not contradictory.  You should recognize that men who purport to have found contradictions in the Bible do not...

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The Essential Ministry of Prayer, Acts 1:14

Prayer is an essential ministry of the church.  Don’t underestimate the value of the Wednesday night prayer meeting or the special prayer “warriors” who pray for special needs throughout the week.   Prayer is essential for unity – Acts 1:14 – the disciples were meeting with one accord, Acts 2:42-46. ...

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Sing A New Song, Ps 149:1

Before we were saved, our old songs were about carnal love, rebellion, drinking, getting high, surfing, losing lovers, trains, dogs, etc.  After getting saved we started singing new songs in church.  These are congregational songs according to Ps 149:1.  When you run the references to “new song” in the Bible,...

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That I May Have Eternal Life, Matt 19:16-29

Our text is Matt 19:16-29.  In verse 20, this man who approached Jesus, inquiring about eternal life, was young.  In Lk 18:18 this man was a ruler.  And in Lk 18:23 this man was very rich.  You don’t become a very rich ruler when you’re young by being foolish.  This...

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Face the Giant, 1 Sam 17:11-48

You have a giant in your life that you need to face.  This giant could be a secret sin in your life, an addiction, a fault that must be dealt with, a fear, an unfinished duty, etc.  And every time you think about facing this giant you back down.  When...

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Our Inheritance, Eph 4:11-18

Last Sunday we studied about the reward that we receive at the judgment seat of Christ.  We are rewarded with good and bad depending on whether what we did in our bodies was good or bad [2 Cor 5:10].  Tonight we will study our inheritance with Jesus Christ.   First,...

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Love God With All Thy Mind, Matt 22:36-38

The theme of this sermon is Minds That Turn Away From God. Certainly before you are saved and even after you are saved, your mind can turn away from God. the Bible shows us what kinds of minds turn away from God. In Matt 22:36-38, when Jesus quoted the “great...

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Israel’s Failure in Canaan, Num 32:10-12

When Israel had the opportunity to enter Canaan the first time, they encountered some problems that set them back and caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years.  Then when they finally made it into the land, they encountered a couple more problems that caused them unnecessary grief...

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