
Rebuilding Neh. 1:1-2:9 Introduction: General account of Nehemiah and the rebuilding of the wall after captivity of Israel Takes place after 70 years of captivity Ezra chapter one – Cyrus king of Persia started to build the House of God Ezra commissioned to build the temple in the 7th year of...

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Why God Requires Blood

Why God Requires Blood Luke 11:49-50 In the passage before us Jesus is telling the generation that he is addressing that God will require the blood form Abel unto Zacharias of them. God has always required blood not only for sins but for when man sheds man’s blood. This is...

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We Know That We Know Him, 1 Jn 2:3

I Jn 2:3 says, “Hereby we do know that we know him.”  John is addressing the assurance of salvation.  Many people who have been saved have been told that they are assured of their salvation.  But many of those don’t know why they should be sure.  The first epistle of...

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Supporting Better Health, Prov 3:5-8

There are certain things you can do to support good health in your life.  These are not cures and remedies.  These are Biblical admonitions which will help you to keep from compromising your health.  They will assist you in supporting better health.   To improve your health: Trust in the...

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Christian Liberty, 2 Cor 3:17

As a result of our salvation in Jesus Christ, through the Spirit of God in us, we have liberty.  With our Christian liberty:  We are free from the bondage of corruption – Rom 8:21 – death cannot hold us [1 Cor 15:50-55].  Rom 8:2 we will live forever.  Our bodies...

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Man is Born Unto Trouble Job 5:7

Man is Born Unto Trouble Job 5:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job 5:7 says that man is born unto trouble as the sparks fly upward.  You are not getting through this life without trouble.  And the sooner you realize this, the better.  Man is born unto trouble.  Man has trouble with:...

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How To Walk Rom. 6: 4

This sermon is on how to walk as a Christian.  As Christians, we are to: Walk in newness of life – Rom 6:4 – when you get saved, you get a new life.  Your natural man is still alive, but your old man is crucified with Christ.  Therefore, we should...

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Little Things Matter to God, Matt 10:29-30

When you study the Bible you realize that big things to the world are small things to God and small things to the world are big things to God.  For instance, we consider nations to be big.  The population of China is nearly 1.4B.  The land mass of China is...

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Faithfulness 1 Cor. 4:2

Faithfulness 1 Cor. 4:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Faithfulness is one of the most needed and beneficial characteristics that a man or woman could possibly have. You may have noticed that faithfulness is a prime trait of our Lord. Deut 7:9 says, “Know therefore that the Lord thy God, he is God, the faithful God,...

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