Watch unto Prayer

Watch unto Prayer 1 Pet.4:7 Peter, believing that the end of all things is at hand, encourages us to be sober, and watch unto prayer. The context of this passage would call for us to be attentive to the events around us and by doing that, cause us to pray,...

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Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled, Jn 14:27

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled Jn 14:27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord gave his disciples peace and told them, let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. There are times when your heart is so troubled over a matter that it dominates your prayer life, your...

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Giving Satan an Advantage, Part II, 2 Cor 2:11

In Part I of this lesson, we saw that from the moment we are saved, we are in a battle with Satan.  He is our adversary [1 Pet 5:8].  God gives us his whole armor to protect us in this battle [Eph 6:10-18].  However, according to 2 Cor 2:11, there...

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Giving Satan an Advantage, Part I, 2 Cor 2:11

Satan is a vicious, clever enemy.  Nevertheless, Jesus successfully defended himself against the temptations of the devil [Matt 4:1-11], cast him out of every person he possessed, who came to Jesus for healing [Acts 10:38], spoiled him and openly triumphed over him on the cross [Col 2:15], and will destroy...

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Manifestations of Spiritual Joy, Prov 15:13

Spiritual joy is not an emotion like natural joy.  As we saw in last week’s study, natural joy is the feeling derived from some pleasure, delight, success, accomplishment, etc.  Spiritual joy, on the other hand, is derived from the Lord.   However, as natural joy is manifested in your feelings...

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The Fountain of Life, Ps 36:7-9

Jesus said that he came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly [Jn 10:10].  I believe that many Christians miss out on the abundant life of the Lord because they don’t avail themselves of the fountain of life.  For some folks this is tragic because they turn...

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Lift Him Up, Jn 8:28

When Jesus was crucified, very few people who witnessed his crucifixion believed that he was the Son of God, the King of the Jews.  But as they saw him lifted up, some realized that he was, in fact, the King of the Jews.  Like Jesus said in Jn 8:28, “When...

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Spiritual Joy, Gal 5:22

Joy is defined in the dictionary as an emotion. Merriam-Webster defines joy as “the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires” or “the expression or exhibition of such emotion.”  Joy is also described by some as “an agreeable affection.”  But...

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