Tell Them, Mk 5:18-20

When Jesus cast the devils out of the man who had the Legion, the “whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them,” [Lk 8:37].  When Jesus got into the ship to leave, the man “prayed him that he might be with him,”...

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Where Is Your Faith? Lk 8:22-25

Years ago, Homer Smith preached a sermon on this text and I copied his outline in my Bible.  I’m going to use his outline to preach this text today.   The question Jesus asked his disciples is a great question for us to answer today, “Where is your faith?” Is...

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Consolation Aboundeth, 2 Cor 1:1-11

In 2 Cor 1:1-11, Paul wrote to the Corinthians about consolation.  Consolation is comfort; it is the act of consoling; it is also the state of being consoled.  Consolation aboundeth: Because it comes from God – 2 Cor 1:3 – Paul said that God is “the God of all comfort.” ...

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Shew Me Thy Ways, Ps 25:4-14

In Ps 25:4-14, David wrote, “Shew me thy ways… teach me thy paths… lead me in thy truth.”  These are the progression that you find in your spiritual growth.  First, the Lord shows you his ways, then he teaches you his paths, then he leads you in his truth.  His...

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White Fields, Jn 4:35-38

White Fields John 4: 5  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Jesus met the woman at the well in John 4, he was weary [v.6] and he was thirsty [v.7].  He could have easily ignored her since she was a Samaritan [v.7] and simply rested while he quenched his thirst and waited for...

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Our Father Shall Rejoice, Prov 23:24

We are the children of God.  We are the sons of God and, therefore, God is our Father.  And just like any father who smiles with joy when his children do what he likes, so there are certain things we do that cause our Father to rejoice.  And the beautiful...

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Gentile Salvation, Rom 5:8-12

According to Rom 15:8-12, which are quotations from four Old Testament references, God’s promise of salvation to Israel, ultimately, includes Gentiles.  However, when you look up the references you will notice that each of these is in the context of the Second Coming of Jesus, when Israel is the ruling...

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Faith is the Key, Matt 8:10

Faith is the Key Matt 8:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus mentions great faith and little faith several times between Matt 8 and Matt 17.  Looking at each of these instances shows us that faith is the key ingredient in the strength of our relationship...

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Reciprocal Giving 1 Cor 2:12

Reciprocal Giving 1 Cor 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Cor 2:12 tells us that through the Spirit wee can know “the things that are freely given to us of God.”  Just look at all the things God has given us. God gave his Son – Jn 3:16, God so loved...

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Should We Worship Mary? Luke 1:42-43

Should We Worship Mary Luke 1: 42-43 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Should we worship Mary?  No.  Should we pray to Mary? No.  Can Mary save us?  No. Indeed, there are many remarkable things about Mary.  She was a virgin when she brought forth the Lord Jesus Christ (Is 7:14; Lk 1:27,...

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