Practical Steps for Marriage Matt 7:3-5

Practical Steps for Marriage Matt. 7: 3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here is a brief summary of the first six lessons that Tony, Randy and I have taught on the home: Man’s authority comes from God and he must rule.  His wife must be in submission.  The children will model what...

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The Lord Pondereth the Hearts Prov 21:2

The Lord Ponder the Heart Prov. 21: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.  When men choose a way, they think they’re right in the way they are going.  This is how men are about religion.  Paul thought he was right in...

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For Such A Time As This Est 4:14

For Such a Time As This Esther 4: 14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Esther 4:14 Esther had come to the kingdom for such a time as this.  The text doesn’t say “for this time.”  It says for “such a time” as this.  Many of us encounter times in our lives...

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Responses to King Jesus Ps 2:1-12

Responses to King Jesus Ps. 2: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God used over 40 men to pen the words of the Bible, but he is the sole author.  Talking to Don Frisinger, he was amazed that verses from different parts of the Bible tied together to perfectly and clearly explain...

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The Goal of Marriage Ruth 3:1

The Goal of Marriage Ruth 3:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the book of Ruth the word rest is used in connection with marriage. Some might be thinking that marriage is anything but rest, especially the women. But it is not necessarily a rest from physical labor or work. The rest here...

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Hindrances to Doing God’s Will Jos 24 19-24

Hindrances to God’s Will Joshua 24 :18-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Just as Israel could not serve God because of the strange gods that were with them, so there are things that will hinder your ability to do God’s will.  The things that will hinder your ability to do God’s will...

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Sign of the Prophet Jonas Matt 12:38-41

Sign of the Prophet Jonas Matt. 12: 38-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is amazing that the scribes and Pharisees would ask for a sign after seeing so many miracles that Jesus performed. Jesus answered them by saying that he would give them one sign, the sign of the prophet Jonas....

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Be an Help Meet for Him

Be an Help Meet for Him Gen. 2: 18-22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be an Help Meet for Him Gen.2:18 God created the woman to be an “help meet for him”. Meet means, suited for, fit or matched. God set up the man to rule, and the woman to be his...

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To The Intent Ye May Believe Jn 11:15

To The Intent Ye May Believe Jn 11:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we go through difficult situations in our lives, we must go through them believing what Jesus Christ said.  However, some circumstances can be very difficult.  And we find there are things that inhibit our belief.  Such is the...

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Multi-Tasking Tools Neh. 4:7-23

 Multi-Tasking Tools Neh. 4:7-23  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Multi-Tasking Tools Neh. 4:7-23 Multi-tasking is very popular today, and it is really encouraged. Nehemiah had multi-tasking down to a fine science when he was attempting to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem. His enemy had him where he had to try to build and...

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