Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3

Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why We Fail at Biblical Authority in Families Gen. 3 Last week, Pastor started this series of Sunday School lessons with “Biblical Authority in Families”. Since God created the family, we can clearly see throughout the Bible...

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Discretion Prov 1:4

Discretion Prov. 1: 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Discretion is “the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment: the quality of being discreet: circumspection: ability to make responsible decisions,” Merriam-Webster dictionary.  Paul writes about circumspection in Eph 5:16-17. You need discretion to: Make wise decisions in youth – Young...

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Holy Spirit Flowing Jn 7:37-39

Holy Spirit Flowing Jn.  7:37-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water,” [Jn 7:38].  This flowing pictures the Holy Spirit in his life after he gets saved.  The flowing of the Holy...

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Conversion of the Lost 2 Ki 4:18-37

Conversion of the Lost 2 Ki 4: 18-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 2 Ki 4:18-37, the passage about Elisha raising the son of the Shunammite woman from the dead, we see a powerful text on being used of God to bring others to Christ.  We are not sent into the...

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Biblical Authority in Families Gen 1-3

Biblical Authority in Families Gen 1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today, we begin a series of lessons on the family.  Since God created the family, we will begin our study with the original family to learn about the basic structure and requirements for a godly home. Gen 1:26-27 God created man...

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Wine, Oil and Bread Ps 104:15

Wine Oil Bread Ps. 104: 13-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 104:15 we see that God brings forth out of the earth wine, oil and bread.  Wine makes your heart glad, oil makes your face shine and bread strengthens your heart.  These three things also typify spiritual objects which are...

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How to Safely Minister to Women II

How to Minister to Women II CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How to safely minister to women, part 2.  As a general rule, it is better for a woman you trust to minister to another woman than it is for you to minister to her [Tit 2:3-5].  Your wife or a very...

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How to Safely Minister to Women I

How to Safely Minister to Women I CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How to safely minister to women, part 1.  As a general rule, it is better for a woman you trust to minister to another woman than it is for you to minister to her [Tit 2:3-5].  Your wife or a...

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Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters Eccl. 11:1

Cast Your Bread Upon the Waters Eccl. 11:1  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ecclesiastes 11:1 we see a great verse concerning the ministry. You may not think of yourself as in the ministry but if you are saved you are in the ministry. For example families are a great ministry....

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The Next Right Step Luke 17:11-19

The Next Right Step Luke 17: 11-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It’s a new year, and don’t you want to do better than last year? Sometimes you just need to take the next right step. Very often, when giving counsel, we encourage the person to just take “the next right step”....

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