Things Above, Col 3:1-4

Things Above Colossians 3: 1-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Set your affection on things above.  Those things above include: Our Saviour – where Christ sitteth, v. 1 Our Father – at his right hand, v. 1 His Word – read it and believe it, Ps 119:89, Ps 138:2 Our Fellowship...

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Consider the End Ecc. 7: 8

Consider The End Ecc. 7: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ecc 7:8 better is the end of a thing than the beginning.  When evaluating things or making decisions about things, the Lord admonishes us to consider the end.  For instance, the Lord waits till the end of our lives to judge...

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Timothy’s Charge II Tim. 4:1-5

Timothy’s Charge II Tim. 4: 1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Paul winds down his letter to Timothy, he gives him a final charge before God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  To add gravity to his charge, he reminds Timothy that he will face the Lord and be judged for the...

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Will Worship, Col 2:18-23

Will Worship Colossians 2:18-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Will worship is not salvation – it is something that may look like salvation because it has a certain look: Look of wisdom (v.23) – II Tim 3:5-6; Tit 1:11, 16 Look of humility (v.23) Look of self denial (v. 23) – Touch...

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Things To Come, Col 2:16-17

Colossians 2:16-17 Things to Come CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The hard part of this passage is that the things to come are actually things that are from the Old Testament.  The clue to understanding this passage lies in the statement, “but the body is of Christ.”  The body of Christ is...

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Ye Cannot Gal.5:17

Ye Cannot Gal. 5:17 Rom.7:15-21 CLICK TITLE  FOR AUDIO What did Paul mean when he said, “ye cannot do the things that ye would,” [Gal 5:17]?  Well, to understand this, we should look at Rom 7:15-21.  In this passage, Paul describes the dilemma of a man who knows what he is...

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Victory at the Cross, Col 2:13-15

Colossians 2:13-15 Victory at the Cross CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus triumphed over the devil and his principalities at the cross.  He also took the handwriting of the ordinances away so that we can live in the liberty of the righteousness of Jesus Christ.  As a result he was able to forgive all...

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Spiritual Circumcision, Col 2:9-12

Spiritual Circumcision Colossians 2:9-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Adam was created, he was made in three parts, Gen 2:7, I Th 5:23, Heb 4:12.  When he fell, he became spiritually dead, Eph 2:1, Rom 7:9. His soul and body were connected, Lev 5:2, Matt10:28.  So, when a person dies without...

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Protect Your Faith, Col 2:6-8

Protect Your Faith Colossians 2:6-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Paul, there are four great enemies of your faith in the world. They are philosophy, vain deceit, religion, and education.  They will spoil you like an enemy spoils in war.  Now you can keep from getting spoiled by your faith...

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