Men Of This Sort II Tim. 3:6-13

Men of This Sort II Tim. 3: 6-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After describing the characteristics of people in the perilous times of these last days, Paul warns us against the things people of this sort do.  They have a form of godliness but they are not godly [2 Tim 3:5]. ...

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Fruit of the Spirit Gal 5:22-26

Galatians 5:22-26 Fruit of the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Completely contrary to the flesh – totally different – you can’t produce any of this stuff.  You’ll produce a feigned imitation at best. Here is the fruit: Love – God, greatest commandment “God is love” – Holy Spirit in you, you love Jesus...

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Works of the Flesh Gal 5:16-21

 Galatians 5:16-21 Works of the Flesh  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO          They are: Conceived by lust (v. 16) Jas 1:14-15 Contrary to the Spirit (v. 17) Didn’t have war until saved, but now you have a way to fight Walk in the Spirit (can’t if in law) Rom 7:18-19 Magnified by the...

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Legalists Gal 5:7-15

Galatians 5:7-15 Legalists  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Legalists are people who try to suffocate your faith with rules.  They try to get you back under the law.  They try to get control of your liberty by making you do what they say, the way they say it.  They are trouble makers...

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Freedom in Christ Gal 5:1-6

Galatians 5:1-6 Freedom in Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul brings the whole letter to a head in these six verses.  Of course, those who believe you can lose your salvation jerk v. 4 from the context and use it to teach that a saved man can fall from grace and...

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Sinai Versus New Jerusalem Gal 4:19-31

    Galatians 4:19-31 Sinai Verses Jerusalem CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sinai represents the Old Testament law and New Jerusalem represents our freedom in Christ, our Christian liberty. Travail in birth again (v. 19) I Cor 4:15 – Paul begat them in the gospel – Christ formed in them  i.  Rom 8:29 ii.  Rom 12:1-2 iii. Phil...

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Enemies of the Preacher Gal 4:12-18

Galatians 4:12-18 Enemies of The Preacher CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul was trying to help the Galatians but they were really having a hard time with the legalists that caused them to turn away from the gospel and Paul.  They lost their love for him.  Watch: Be as I am (v. 22) Liberty,...

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From Servants to Sons Gal 4:1-11

Galatians 4:1-11 From Servants to Sons  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gal 4:1-11, Paul explains the law versus real salvation.  This time he uses the child/father relationship and subsequent inheritance to explain the difference. The Illustration (v. 1-2) The heir of an estate eventually becomes the lord of the estate at the...

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God Will Take Care of You Ex. 12

God Will Take Care of You CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We sing a hymn titled, God Will Take Care of You.  Will he take care of you when hard times come?  There is the perennial question whether Christians should stock up for the future or not.  The term for someone who...

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