King Saul of Israel, 1 Sam 10:17-27

1 Sam 10:17-27 Saul, the King of Israel CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 10:17-27, concerning King Saul of Israel, we find some very interesting truths regarding the relationship between Israel and God.  Basically, Israel rejected God and asked for a man, instead, to lead them and to fight for...

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Why Israel Demanded a King, 1 Sam 8:1-22

1 Sam 8:1-22 Why Israel Demanded a King CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 8:1-22, Israel demanded a king because: They didn’t want a judge to judge them anymore – 1 Sam 8:1-3 – They did not want Samuel [1 Sam 7:15].  They did not want Samuel’s sons, either; they...

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Lest Ye Fall 1 Cor.10:12

Lest Ye Fall 1 Cor. 10:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall. A Christian walk, by definition, means that you are always moving. We may have the idea that we have arrived, and we park it there. Stop Bible, prayer, church...

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Thy Face Will I Seek Ps. 24:8

Thy Face Will I Seek Ps. 24:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ps 27:8 David said, “When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.”  This is a strange request and response because, Jn 1:18 and 1 Jn 4:12 say, “no man...

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They Didn’t Know Him Luke 24:13-35

They Didn’t Know Him  Luke 24:13-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These two disciples on the road to Emmaus were walking with Jesus and didn’t know him.  They remind me of Christians who know only enough about Jesus to know that they are saved.  But they don’t know him and have little...

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Prayers For All Men 1 Tim. 2: 1-8

Prayers For All Men 1 Tim. 2: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul put a priority on prayer.  He exhorted, first of all, that prayers be made for all men.  In this lesson we are going to learn what to pray, for whom to pray, why to pray, how to pray,...

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Samson and Delilah

Judges 16:4-31 What Samson Lost With Delilah CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Samson fell in love with Delilah.  Three times he had trouble with women down with the Philistines.  The third time was the charm in a manner of speaking.  When Samson and Delilah got together, she enticed him to tell her...

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The Simplicity of Prayer II Cor. 11:1-3

The Simplicity of Prayer II Cor. 11:1-3. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bear with me, many of us get corrupted, and leave the simplicity in Christ. Tonight’s subject is Prayer, and if corrupted, we must get back to its simplicity. I am as guilty as others that fall into the ritual of...

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The Power of the Rod Ps. 110:2

The Power of the Rod Ps.110:2. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO (Psalm 110:2 ; Isaiah 11:1)  In these two verses we see that Jesus Christ is referred to as a rod. When we think of a rod we think back to the rod used by Aaron and the one used by...

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To Save Sinners 1Tim. 1:15

To Save Sinners 1Tim. 1:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We read in 1 Tim 1:15 that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.  Most people think they understand what this verse says about Jesus.  The truth is they only understand what they have been taught about him and not...

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