A Prophecy for Israel

1 Sam 2:1-11 Hannah’s Prayer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A prophecy for Israel. Hannah’s Prayer contains many references to the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  That’s because the birth of Samuel pictures the rebirth of the nation of Israel when the Lord returns.  In 1 Sam 1:11, Hannah prayed for a...

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The Truth of Your Weakness Num. 22-25

The Truth of Your Weakness Num. 22-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Introduction:  We must understand the truth of our weakness Pray Tell the story of Balaam Hired to Curse the children of God God would only let him bless them Counseled Balak on a means to hurt Israel, counsel was true....

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Three Transgressions of Balaam Num. 22-25

Three Transgressions of Balaam Num. 22:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible, there are three transgressions of Balaam mentioned. The Error of  Jude 11, the way of  2 Pet.2:14-15, And the doctrine of Balaam Rev.2:14. The account of His actions are found in the book of Numbers. In this lesson, we...

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Boaz a Type of Christ

Ruth 2-4 Boaz a Type of Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ruth and Boaz represent many types of the Church and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, we will study Boaz as a type of the Lord Jesus Christ. Boaz was a “mighty man of wealth” – 2:1 – see 2 Cor...

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Ruth a Type of the Church

Ruth 1-4 Ruth a Type of the Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ruth and Boaz represent many types of the Church and the Lord Jesus Christ.  Today, we will study Ruth as a type of the Church. She was a stranger – 1:4 – she was from Moab and was therefore...

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You Ought To Ex. 20:1-17

The Ten Ought To’s Ex. 20:1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Exodus 20:1-17 Did your parents ever tell you, You ought to do this or that? Did these things appear as commandments to you? Or were they really just wise suggestions? In Exodus 20 God gave us the Ten Commandments, and that...

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Boaz Marries Ruth, Ruth 4:1-22

Ruth 4:1-22 Boaz Marries Ruth CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ruth 4:1-22 shows us how Boaz marries Ruth and how the genealogical line of Christ is continued through their firstborn son, Obed. The Advertisement – v.1-5 – Boaz goes into the city and sits in the gate waiting for the next kinsman to pass...

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Dating Lessons from Ruth and Boaz, Ruth 3:14-18

Ruth 3:14-18 Dating Lessons from Ruth and Boaz CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We find some great practical truths in this passage that we call dating lessons from Ruth and Boaz.  You would be wise to observe these if you aren’t married and to teach these to your children if you are....

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A Virtuous Woman, Ruth 3:1-13

Ruth 3:1-13 A Virtuous Woman CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Boaz said that Ruth was a virtuous woman – she is the only woman in the Bible about whom this was said.  Truly, there were other virtuous women, but it is not recorded in scripture that anyone called them virtuous.  Ruth has...

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Neglect So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3

Neglect So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all tend to neglect things. Some thing s due to ignorance, we just don’t know any better. A child will not brush his teeth unless taught different. With things we don’t like to do, we will  intentionally not do them,...

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