Your Need Matt 6:32

Your Need Matt 6:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Matt 6:32 Jesus told his disciples that “your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.”  He was speaking specifically of food, drink and clothing.  But God knows not only what temporal needs we have but also our spiritual...

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Paul’s Gentile Ministry, Rom 15:15-33

Paul’s Gentile Ministry Rom 15:15-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul ministered by grace – Rom 15:15 – grace given of God to minister to Gentiles [v.16].  According to 1 Cor 15:10 it takes grace to minister. Paul ministered primarily to Gentiles – Rom 15:16 – Jesus ministered to Jews [Rom 15:8;...

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Natural Disasters Hab. 3:4-11

Natural Catastrophes Hab. 3:4-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Who would want to be here for the tribulation when you have a chance to get saved now and get out of it!! At the second coming of Jesus things in the earth are going to be wildly and catastrophically affected.  There will...

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Your Ministry of Prayer Luke 18:1

Your Ministry of Prayer Luke 18: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Every one of us has a ministry of prayer. Some of us have a great ministry and others have not much of one. Never the less all of have the capability to build a great ministry of prayer. Each...

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The Second Advent Path Hab. 3:1-3

Path of the Second Advent Hab 3:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Second Advent Path is clearly defined in scripture.  The second advent path is the path that Jesus will take from Mount Sinai to Jerusalem when he returns.  This passage is part of the path. The Path of the Second Advent is...

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The Graven Image Hab. 2:18-20

What Profiteth the Graven Image Hab 2:18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What profiteth the graven image?  According to God it profits nothing!!!  Is 44:9-10 So why do men make them? For money – According to man graven images profit – Acts 19:23-28; Rev 18:11-15 For worship – Acts 19:27; 35; the...

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Shameful Spewing Hab. 2:15-17

Shameful Spewing Hab. 2:15-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Doctrinally we are dealing with the national drunkenness and fornication which takes place among nations that are prostituted for gain and against a common enemy like the Jews.  See Rev 18:3, 22-24, 9; 17:2-4, 6, and 18.  The result is shameful spewing....

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Why is Serving a Great Opportunity? John 13:2-20

Why is Serving a Great Opportunity? John 13:2-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why is Serving a Great Opportunity? (John 13:2-20)  The passage for this lesson deals with Jesus washing the disciple’s feet. In this passage Jesus is giving a great example of service. Serving God as well as others can be...

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