More Than Conquerors, Rom 8:31-39

More Than Conquerors Rom. 8:31-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  In Rom 8:28 we saw that all things work together for good to them that love God.  In Rom 8:31-39 Paul lists many...

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The Hand of Man and the Hand of God 1Cor.15

The Hand of Man and the Hand of God 1 Cor.15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have a unique relationship with the Lord when it comes to doing his will in our lives.  On the one had God has to do something in our lives.  But on the other hand,...

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What You Need Eph. 6:19-24

Ephesians 6:19-24 What You Need CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO YOU NEED BOLDNESS – Paul said Pray for boldness You need to be bold Acts 4:29-31 I Cor 16:9, great door, many adversaries Lacking today – not bold enough to just lay it out there, smooth talking I Cor 2:4-5 Not praying for...

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Whole Armor of God Eph. 6:10-18

Ephesians 6:10-18 Whole Armor of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be strong in the Lord v.10 – Ex 13:9 strong hand of the Lord – Ps 71:16 – Jos 14:11 Caleb And in the power of his might v.10 – Lk 9:43 power to cast out devils Eph 1:19-20 power of...

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Don’t Get Comfortable Gen. 11:1-9

Don’t Get Comfortable Gen. 11:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Don’t get comfortable, in the previous five chapters God has destroyed the earth because of man’s wickedness. He has cleaned up the man made mess. Now you would think that man, knowing firsthand the wrath of God, would behave himself. It...

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Fathers Day

Fathers Day 1 Chron.28:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David charged Solomon in 1 Chr 28:9 to “know thou the God of thy father.”  This is Fathers Day and this charge should be the charge of every father to their children.  But in order for this charge to be effective certain things...

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Intercession and Predestination, Rom 8:26-30

Intercession and Predestination Rom. 8:26-30  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:26-30, we will study intercession and predestination, the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the predestination of believers. Intercession – Rom 8:26-28 Rom 8:26 “Likewise,” refers to something before. In Rom 8:22 the whole creation groaneth. In Rom 8:23 even...

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Servants and Masters Eph. 6:5-9

Ephesians 6:5-9 Servants and Masters CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today, this would be employer and employee.  But the instructions are the same, even so.  Furthermore, concerning servants, though we are sons, we still must serve Jesus.  So, to us in service to Christ, as well (Rom 6:22; II Cor 4:5).  The...

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Fathers Bring Them Up Eph.6:4

Ephesians 6:4 Fathers Bring Them Up CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fathers have the duty of seeing to the spiritual nurturing of their children.  Trouble with broken homes is that dad is not there.  He gets the kids ½ of the time or less.  What if the step dad is home with...

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Before Jesus Returns Matt. 24:42-44

Before Jesus Returns Matt. 24:42-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Matt 24:42-44 Jesus instructed his disciples to “be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.”  Doctrinally, this command applies to the Second Coming of Jesus rather than to the rapture as...

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