Inheritance in the Kingdom Eph.5:1-5

Ephesians 5:1-5 Inheritance in the Kingdom CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO To have an inheritance in the kingdom of God, you must: Follow God as dear children – like a child follows his dad (v. 1) Walk in love (v. 2) – there’s no profit if you don’t 1 Cor 13 – walking in love...

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Just Let Bitterness Go, Eph 4:31-32

Ephesians 4:31-32 Just Let It Go CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christians today can be very bitter about some things.  So Paul gives a  great admonition on how to get past all that.  You’ve got to put away some things and that can be mighty tough.  He tells us to put away:...

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Stuff is Usually Where You Put It Deut. 10:1-5

Stuff is Usually Where You Put It Deut. 10:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When God gave Moses the second tables of stone after he had broken the first ones, he placed them in the ark as he had been instructed. Note the phrase that he used in verse 5 “and there...

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Sins against the Spirit Eph.4:30

 Ephesians 4:30 Sins Against the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  There are a number of sins against the Spirit: Disobedience – Grieve – Eph 4:30 Suffocation – Quench – I Th 5:19 Dissimulation – Lie to – Acts 5:3 Blasphemy – Say, “Jesus has an unclean spirit” – Mk 3:28-30 Rejection of Jesus (Jn 16:8-10) – Despise – Heb 10:29 Rebellion – Vex – Is  63:9-10 Unbelief – Resist – Acts 7:51 Primary danger right after getting saved,...

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Putting On The New Man Eph.4:23-29

Ephesians 4:23-29 Putting on the New Man CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Yesterday we talked about putting off the old man and today about putting on the new man.  This is something you do continually. There is competition between the “old” and “new” all the time. There is a constant battle. Versus....

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Numbers in the Word of God (Part 1)

Numbers in the Word of God Part 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this series we are going to studies numbers in the word of God and what they are connected with many times. Now contrary to popular teaching God is a God of numbers. He took great care to leave...

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Putting Off The Old Man Eph. 4:17-22

Ephesians 4:17-22 Putting Off The Old Man CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The old man is that natural man whose genealogy can be traced back to Adam and he has a walk that is common to all other natural men.  Here is the description concerning his: Mind – Worthless I Cor 3:19-21a Vain...

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Perfecting the Saints Eph.4:12-16

 Ephesians 4:12-16 Perfecting the Saints CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists are Gifts for the Body which: Perfect the Saints (v. 12) Not perfect as in sinless Rather perfect as in Job 1:1 Gen 6:9 Like a perfect fit Do the Work of the Ministry (v. 12) Preachers,...

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