Isaiah 65:17-25 Jerusalem A Rejoicing

Jerusalem A Rejoicing Is. 65:17-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the millennial reign of Jesus Christ, the Lord will create Jerusalem a rejoicing, Is 65:18.  His promise to create Jerusalem is based upon his promise to create new heavens and a new earth after his millennial reign [Is 65:17; 2 Pet...

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Five of the Greatest Men in the Bible Ezek.14:14

Five of the Greatest Men in the Bible Ezek. 14:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ezek 14:14 and in Jer 15:1 you read about five of the greatest men in the Bible.  They are Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses and Samuel.  They were great because of their righteousness and because of their...

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The Love Test Matt. 22: 36-37

The Love Test Matt. 22: 36-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you go to the doctor for your annual physical, he or she sends you to the lab for a blood test to see how you are doing physically.  When you take a class in school, the teacher gives you a...

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Isaiah 65:1-16 A Rebellious Nation

A Rebellious Nation Is. 65:1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Is 65:1-16 the Lord describes Israel as a rebellious nation because they wouldn’t listen to him, they wouldn’t respond to his calls and they disobeyed his commands.  As a result, many of them die by the sword and only the remnant...

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The Word of God is Profitable 2 Tim.3:16

The Word of God is Profitable 2 Tim.3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The word of God is profitable.  When we receive it and believe it, it works effectually in us – 1 Thes 2:13 – the word of God, given by the inspiration of God, is profitable for: Doctrine – 2...

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A Friend of Publicans and Sinners Matt. 11:16-19

A Friend of Publicans and Sinners Matt.11:16-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The statement that Jesus was a friend of publicans and sinners was a derogatory statement.  The generation that saw Jesus in his earthly ministry accused him of being a glutton and a winebibber because he ate with publicans and sinners...

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Supernatural Power Micah 3:8

Supernatural Power Micah 3:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Do you ever feel powerless, like you are lacking supernatural power in some specific area of your life?  For the most part, you know that things are generally going well.  As far as you know, you are in the Lord’s will, you are...

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Isaiah 64:1-12 Isaiah’s Prophetic Prayer

Isaiah’s Prophetic Prayer Is. 64 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah’s prophetic prayer is a fairly simple and straightforward prayer.  His prayer is the kind of prayer that the remnant of Israel will be praying as they await the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.  In this prayer, you’ll notice Isaiah’s reliance...

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Looking for Open Doors II Cor. 2:12

Looking for Open Doors II Cor. 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text 2 Cor 2:12. During our missions conference, you heard several of the missionaries say that God had opened a door for them to go to a certain field to preach the gospel.  Following our missions conference, I am aware...

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First Class or Economy Ps. 56:3

First Class or Economy Ps. 56:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When I travel by air, I always fly economy, although I would much rather fly first class or business class.  I just can’t afford to go first class.  In your Christian life, you likewise have two ways that you can go. ...

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