Isaiah 56:1-12 My Salvation is Near

My Salvation is Near Is. 56:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As the salvation of the Lord nears during the Tribulation, before the Second Coming of Jesus, several things are evident from this chapter. “My salvation” is the salvation of Israel prophesied in Is 46:13, 62:11; Rom 11:25-27.  When, as the Lord...

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Names of Jesus “E”

Names of Jesus “E” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Names of Jesus “D”

Names of Jesus “D” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Names of Jesus “C”

Names of Jesus “C” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the  names...

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Names of Jesus “B”

Names of Jesus “B” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the names...

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Names of Jesus “A”

Names of Jesus “A” CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you consider the names and titles of the Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many that we must deal with them alphabetically just to do them justice. There are many wonderful things that you will learn about Jesus when you study the...

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Sowing Sparingly and Bountifully 2 Cor.9:6

Sowing Sparingly & Bountifully 2 Cor. 9:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO People who are sowing sparingly and bountifully both “shall reap” according to 2 Cor 9:6. Those who sow sparingly “shall reap” sparingly.  And those who sow bountifully “shall reap” bountifully.  The key is to sow.  Thus, if you have the...

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He Will Have Mercy Is. 55:6-7

He Will HaveMercy Is. 55:6-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord is a Merciful God; he will have mercy. In this text we see His mercy at work through the whole process of a fellow returning to the Lord. The Lord grants him mercy to: Seek the Lord – you are not...

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Isaiah 55:1-13 Everlasting Life

Everlasting Life Is. 55:1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Isaiah 55, the Lord shows us several things about everlasting life, from Israel’s perspective.  In this passage we see: The Provisions of everlasting life – Is 55:1-2 – nourishing water, wine, milk and bread – all freely provided and all good and...

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Satan’s Devices II Cor. 2:11

Satan’s Devices II Cor. 2:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When our soldiers fought in WWII one of the problems with the infantry is that we didn’t train them to understand the enemy and his tactics. There was too much training on discipline, close-order drills, inspections and the like.  Those are not...

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