Wherein Shall We Return, II

Wherein Shall We Return Mal. 3:7 Part 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast titled Wherein shall we return, II is the second part of the message which was recorded for the prior broadcast. The notes for both broadcasts are under the first post.

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The Seeing Eye Prov. 20:12

The Seeing Eye Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Seeing Eye – Prov 20:12 – God made your eyes but he didn’t put a gate on them – your eyes are obviously for seeing but not for looking at everything you can see – the children’s song, “Oh be careful...

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The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12

The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord made the hearing ear; the purpose for it, therefore, is to hear.  But he didn’t put a gate on it, so you must guard what goes in it and what stays out.  He intended it so that we could hear –...

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Isaiah 50:1-11 What Jesus Does For Israel

What Jesus Does for Israel Is. 50:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the first three verses of Is 50, Israel is in a mess.  They have put themselves away from the Lord, they have cut off fellowship with him and they have forgotten his great power to help them.  As a...

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Wherein Shall We Return Mal. 3:7

Wherein Shall We Return Mal. 3:7 Part 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wherein shall we return is the title of this broadcast and is quoted from Mal 3:7.  We should return to the God of our forefathers in this country and to the ordinances that they derived from him and from...

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Like A Refiner’s Fire Mal. 3:2-6

Like a Refiner’s Fire Mal.3:2-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Like A Refiner’s Fire.  The Lord Jesus Christ is like a refiner’s fire at his second coming.  Our God is a consuming fire [Heb 12] – the unrighteous cannot abide his coming [2 Thes 1:7-8] – yet Israel is special because...

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Lest Peradventure I See The Evil Gen. 44:34

Lest Peradventure I See The Evil Gen. 44: 34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Judah said to Joseph, Lest Peradventure I See The Evil that shall come on my father, concerning returning to Canaan without Benjamin.  Judah offered himself in Benjamin’s place because he would have rather been a bondman to Joseph...

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The Deity of Christ Mal. 3:1

The Deity of Christ Mal. 3:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast addresses one very important doctrine in the Bible and one very significant corruption in the modern Bibles.  The doctrine is the deity of Jesus Christ and the corruption is the change of the word “prophets” in Mk 1:2 based...

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Everyone That Doeth Evil Mal. 2:17

Everyone that Doeth Evil Mal. 2:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast is about saying that everyone that doeth evil is good in the sight of the Lord.  You weary the Lord with your words.  You often say something that you don’t really mean.  You honor the Lord with your mouth...

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Bad Marriages Mal. 2:11-16

Bad Marriages Mal. 2:11-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This message is about bad marriages. Malachi addresses two things: Israel’s intermarriages with other nations and divorce. Intermarriages in Israel – Mal 2:11-13 – The law prohibited Israel from intermarrying with other nations – Ex 34:13-16; Deut 7:1-4 – God said that they...

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