The Highway of the Upright Prov.16

The Highway of the Upright Prov.16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon is on How to depart from evil.  To depart from evil you must recognize what evil is [Bible definition] and make a conscious decision to depart from it.  You depart from evil on the highway of the upright, just...

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Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9

Don’t Mock Sin Prov.14:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Fools make a mock at sin.  If you don’t want to be a fool, don’t mock sin.  Here are some ways fools laugh at, make fun of and deride sin.  They change the names to get rid of the transgression.  Drunkards aren’t sinners, they...

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Isaiah 49:1-26 I The Lord Am Thy Saviour

I The Lord Am Thy Saviour  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus Christ is the Savior of Israel.  In this chapter we read why he can surely say, I the Lord am thy Saviour.  Jesus is the Savior of Israel because: He was called by God from the womb to be their...

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Partial in the Law Mal. 2:1-10

Partial in the Law Mal. 2:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage is addressed to the Levitical priests who were partial in the law [2 Chr 15:3; Ezek 44:7]. They allowed unclean things in the sanctuary and they quit teaching the law to the rest of Israel. Even non-Levites entered the...

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Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14

Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God gave Malachi words to rebuke Israel because they were not honoring him. He asked, Where is mine honour? He is entitled to their honour in the same way that parents are entitled to honour from their children according to...

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I Loved Jacob But Hated Esau Mal 1:1-5

I Loved Jacob and Hated Esau Mal 1:1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why did the Lord love Jacob and why did he hate Esau? Not because of predestination – Gen 25:23 [Rom 9:10-14]. He loved Jacob because of: His everlasting love for Israel – Jer 31:2-3 – the Lord loves Israel...

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For Jesus’ Sake Is. 48: 9-11

For Jesus’ Sake Is. 48: 9-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We get the idea sometimes as Christians that all the good things of salvation were given to us to demonstrate God’s love for us. We look at salvation simply from the view of what God did for us. It’s as if...

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Isaiah 48:1-22 The Treachery of Israel

The Treachery of Israel CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The first eight verses of Is 48 show us the treachery of Israel. Israel was called a transgressor from the womb. God knew that Israel would deal very treacherously when he chose them. Here are the things that Israel did: They diminished the...

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Churches Giving to Special Needs II Cor. 8:9-15

Churches Giving to Special Needs II Cor. 8:9-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have the opportunity now to give to several special needs that our missionaries have.  In order to do this we need to see what it takes on the part of churches giving to special needs.  It takes: Grace...

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Remember The Latter End Is. 47:7

Remember the Latter Is 47:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In architecture a building is designed with the end in mind and in construction a building is built with the end in mind.  In recipes the ingredients and steps are listed with the end in mind.  Modern art, on the other...

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