Isaiah 43:14-28 The Lord’s Relationship with Israel

The Lord’s Relationship with Israel Is. 43:14-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The most notable theme of this passage is the glaring contrast between the Lord’s relationship with Israel their refusal to turn from their sin and worship him. The Lord’s Relationship with Israel – He is their redeemer [Is 43:14; 43:1;...

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For Such a Time As This Esther 4:14

For Such a Time is This Esther 4:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Esther was able to accomplish what she did for the Jews in Ahasuerus’ kingdom because she was there at just the right time.  She was there for such a time as this.  In the Bible, we see that most...

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The Priority of the Lord’s Harvest Luke 9:57-58

The Priority of the Lord’s Harvest Luke 9:57 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In a call from God, his harvest must be your priority.  The priority of the Lord’s harvest takes precedence over everything else in your life. These priorities can interfere: The priority of your comforts – Lk 9:57-58 – John the...

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The Centurion’s Great Faith Luke 7:1-10

A Centurion’s Great Faith Luke 7: 1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Our text is Lk 7:1-10.  In Capernaum was a centurion who loved Israel [v.5].  His servant was dying [v.2] and so the centurion asked Jesus to heal him and he did.  About this centurion Jesus said, “I have not found...

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Isaiah 43:8-13 Ye Are My Witnesses

Ye Are My Witnesses Is. 43:8-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, the Lord reminds Israel that Ye are my witnesses that he is the LORD and that there is none else [Is 43:10].  Keep in mind, as we study this passage, that the Lord is showing you through the...

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The Right Combination Phil 4:9

The Right Combination Phli 4 :9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the most important words in Phil 4:9 is the word “do.”  Paul encouraged the Philippians to “do” what they had learned, received, heard and seen in him.  In order for you to effectively do what Paul taught and demonstrated...

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Peter’s Wife Matt. 8:14

Peter’s Wife Matt. 8:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We often speak to men when preaching about the ministry.  But what about the women?  What makes a woman suitable for the ministry when she is married to a man in the ministry?  Willingness.  Peter’s wife was: Willing to put her husband before...

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Keep Yourselves in the Love of God Jude 21

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God Jude 21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have heard “God loves you.” It is true.  Like a parents find satisfaction in tender moments of love for their children so the Lord is pleased when we respond to his love for us [1 Jn 4:19]. ...

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Isaiah 43:1-7 Thou Art Mine

Thou Art Mine Is 43:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is 43:1-7 reveals the very unique relationship that God has with Israel.  No other nation can claim the promises that God has made to Israel and no other nation benefits from prophecy like Israel does. He says to Israel, Thou art mine. God...

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Compassion Mark 7:31-37

Compassion Mark 7:31-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO One of the most endearing qualities of the Lord Jesus Christ is compassion. 1. A suffering with another; painful sympathy; a sensation of sorrow excited by the distress or misfortunes of another; pity; commiseration. Compassion is a mixed passion, compounded of love and sorrow...

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