Eli: Passive Fathers 1 Sam 3:11

Eli. Passive Fathers 1 Sam 3:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Samuel 3:11-14 Our culture has been scourged with fathers who will not parent.  Passive means you neglect the responsibility God’s given you.  Passive does not mean you need to be more aggressive and express anger more often to give...

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Build the House Haggai 1:7-8

Build The House Haggai 1:7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The problem during the reign of Darius is that the Lord’s house was not built.  And the people were saying, “It’s not time,” (Hag 1:2).  The Lord disagreed (Hag 1:4).  So, he told them in Hag 1:8 to build the house.  And...

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Quench not the Spirit 1Thess. 5:19

Quench Not the Spirit 1 Thess. 5:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Quench means to: extinguish, repress, check, stifle, still, quiet, and destroy.   Today, we’re going to preach on these four words Quench not the Spirit. So here is one of these anti-Calvinism verses that says you can actually work against the...

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Preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ Col.1:16

Preeminence of the Lord Jesus Christ Col. 1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage of scripture glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ in seven ways; each element adding another reason for his preeminence. POWER – By him were all things created… (vs 16) Jesus Christ is the Creator of all things. Paul...

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A Great Church Acts 2:41-47

A Great Church Acts 2:41-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A great church is composed of the following elements: Great growth around the words of God (Acts 2:41) There are many things that attract people to gather as a group, but a great church is grown out of the words of...

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The Holy Spirit and the Bible John 14,16

The Holy Spirit & the Bible John 14, 16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Holy Spirit does much and yet His work is often overshadowed by our relationship to the Father and to Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit does not draw attention to himself; rather He glorifies Jesus Christ.  So, today...

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Tell Them Mark 5

Tell Them Mark 5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have been sowing the word of God continuously through: Preaching, Teaching, Radio, Internet, Fishers of Men, Port Ministry, Tracts, etc.  However, most seed sowing is impersonal to an extent.  We simply hand someone the words of God.  Now it is time to...

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Graduation John 17

Graduation John 17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This time of year, people are thinking of graduation.  Yesterday Texas A&M Corpus Christi held their commencement exercises.  The week before A & M Kingsville.  Soon, area high schools.  Graduation has some significance for us as well.  Graduation signifies: Completion – the end of...

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Isaiah 42:17-25 The Lord’s Blind Servant

The Lord’s Blind Servant Is. 42:17-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO * The last few minutes were cut off. The problem in this passage is that of idolatry.  The Jews are so dependent on seeing something in order to believe that they blind themselves to the things that can only be believed...

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Handling Affliction Ps. 119:50

Handling Affliction Ps. 119:50 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Affliction is something that causes pain or suffering.  Handling affliction can be very tough.  So we are looking in the Bible for understanding on how to handle it.  You and I are to handle affliction: With The Bible – Ps 119:50 – one...

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