Search Me

Search Me O God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord searches us in order to reveal to us what is truly in us.  The purpose is to show us what’s wrong and then to lead us into something better.  His desire is to improve us; to make us better.  That’s why...

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The Downward Spiral of the Mind

The Downward Spiral of the Mind CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have seen some Christians go so far from the Lord that you wonder whether they had even been saved.  The reason that they can stray so far has to do with their minds.  Their minds spiral downward.  Here is the...

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On Fire For God Lev. 24:2

On Fire for God Lev. 24:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Have you ever noticed how many things that are associated with God involve burning and fire? God – Our God is a consuming fire, Heb 12:29, He led Israel by night in a pillar of fire, Ex 13:21, on mount Sinai,...

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Isaiah 31:1-9 The Lord Defends Jerusalem

The Lord Defends Jerusalem Is. 31 1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 31 is a short chapter that explains what happens when the Lord defends Jerusalem.  It shows you why the Lord has to return and what he does when he gets here.  It will be easier for us to build a...

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Obtain the Kingdom by Flatteries Dan. 11:21

Obtain the Kingdom by Flatteries Dan 11:21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There has been very much public attention given to Nelson Mandela as a great man responsible for ending apartheid in South Africa.  We even flew our nation’s flag at half staff in his honor from Dec 5 to Dec 9,...

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Slow to Anger II Cor. 12:10

Slow to Anger CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today we are going to look at some of the factors in your life that contribute to your outbursts of anger or to that seething internal anger, if you are one of those who is able to control the outbursts.  Solomon said that you...

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A Virtuous Woman & The Church II Prov. 31:10-31

A Virtuous Woman & the Church II Prov. 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a continuation of yesterday’s broadcast.  We find similarities between the virtuous woman of Prov 31 and the Church – examining these similarities will help us understand the Church better – notice the Church’s and the virtuous...

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A Virtuous Woman & The Church I Prov. 31:10-20

The Virtuous Woman and The Church I Prov 31:10-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We find similarities between the virtuous woman of Prov 31 and the Church – examining these similarities will help us understand the Church better – notice the Church’s and the virtuous woman’s: Price – v.10 – the Church...

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A Virtuous Woman & Her Reward Prov. 31:10-31

The Virtuous Woman and Her Reward Prov 31:10-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A Virtuous Woman who has a godly character, a good work ethic and is virtuous toward her husband and her children is going to definitely be rewarded for her virtue.  If you desire these rewards in your life then...

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Preparations for Jesus Return

Preparations for Jesus Return Titus 2 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should we be doing in anticipation of or in preparation for Jesus Return?  To prepare for Jesus return we should be: Looking for Him – Tit 2:13 – these days everyone is looking for the Tribulation and the antichrist and...

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