
Confusion CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we come to church and deal with spiritual matters, we aren’t always dealing with them the way God intended.  For instance, when people think about the Lord’s expectations in their lives they often confuse what they are doing with what he wants. They’ll confuse: Reformation...

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Isaiah 27:1 Leviathan

Leviathan Is. 27: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this study of Leviathan, you will see the bodily appearance of the devil.  The devil is a spirit but he has a physical presence, as well. He is both a serpent and a dragon. Dragon – Rev 12:3 – he’s a seven...

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Four Things to Avoid in Church Prov. 26: 17-21

Four Things to Avoid Prov. 26:17-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Christian life, because you are associated with lots of other people in church and in fellowship, there are four things to avoid in church – these are things that plague churches – here are the four things to avoid: Avoid...

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How to Handle Fools Prov. 26: 1-12

Weapons Against Fools Prov. 26: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The first 12 verses of Proverbs 26 are about fools and how to deal with them – this message is on how to handle fools – you can use any one of these tactics below or a combination of them. Don’t...

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Christ May Dwell in Your Hearts

Christ May Dwell in Your Hearts CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul prayed for the Ephesians that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith. When Jesus dwells in your heart you know it as long as there is not something else in there that is crowding him – like sin and...

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Self Control Prov. 25: 28

Self Control Prov. 25:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse is about self control, plain and simple – self control is a virtue lacking in Christians as well as in the lost. Paul considered this virtue one of the greatest necessities in his ability to minister proficiently for the Lord –...

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Good News From a Far Country Prov. 25: 25

Good News From a Far Country Prov. 25:25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You know how good it feels to quench your thirst with cold water – when we were working on our first church building or when we were kids working cattle nothing was better than enjoying a cool drink of...

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Confidence in an Unfaithful Man Prov. 25: 19

Confidence in an Unfaithful Man Prov. 25:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast is about putting confidence in an unfaithful man.  It is our duty as Christians to be faithful – Lk 17:10, 1 Cor 4:2 One of the greatest examples of an unfaithful man is Joab. He killed Abner –...

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Trust in the Lord

Trust in the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are to trust in the Lord.  When you trust in the Lord you have: Perfect Peace – when you trust in the Lord you will have: The Peace that comes from the Savior – because you will be reconciled to God [Rom...

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Isaiah 26:1-21 Israel’s Song in the Millennium

Israel’s Song in the Millennium CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about Israel’s Song in the Millennium. In the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ, Israel will sing this song because they’ll: Trust in the Lord – v.1-4 – They’ll trust him for: Strength – their city, Jerusalem, will be strong...

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