How to Spot a Scorner Prov. 14: 6

How to Spot a Scorner Prov.14:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Scorn – (n) open disrespect for a person or thing accompanied by a feeling of intense dislike – (v) to scorn is to look down on with disdain. Scorner – a person who expresses contempt by remarks or facial expressions; a...

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Where to Beware

Where to Beware Col 2: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This morning we told you what to beware of: philosophy, vain deceit, tradition of men, and rudiments of the world.  Now we’ll tell you where you find these things of which to beware and what to do about them. You’ll find the four...

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Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You

Beware Lest Any Man Spoil You Col 2:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before we get into the sermon Beware lest any man spoil you, it would be well for us to make sure we understand the things of which we are to beware and what can happen to us as a...

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Isaiah 20:1-6 Isaiah Walks Naked and Barefoot

Isaiah Walks Naked and Barefoot Is 20:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This prophecy is against Egypt and Ethiopia – Judah was supposed to take heed to this prophecy so that they would not put their confidence in Egypt when they were attacked.  As a sign in this prophecy Isaiah walks naked...

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Every Wise Woman Buildeth Her House Prov. 14: 1

Playing House Prov. 14:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here the distinction is between every wise woman buildeth her house and the foolish woman who plucketh it down with her hands. Now you generally think of building a house as something done by a home builder and then the husband and wife...

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Spare the Rod Spoil the Child Prov. 13: 24

Correct Thy Son Prov. 13:24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This verse is where spare the rod spoil the child comes from. The source of discipline is from God – Heb 12:5-11 discipline comes from the Lord. Prov 13:24  He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him...

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Hindrances to Understanding the Bible

Hindrances to Understanding the Bible CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible is a book that we must all read.  Nevertheless, it is very hard to read a book that you don’t understand.  In order to remedy this problem, people initially try to find a Bible that is easier to understand.  However,...

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The Company You Keep Prov. 13: 20

The Company You Keep Prov. 13:20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO How you turn out has a lot to do with the company you keep – a girl at New Beginnings Girls Academy said she was in music and in church but met a friend and strayed from the Lord – the...

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Earmarks of a Fool Prov. 13: 19 B

Earmarks of a Fool Prov 13:19 B CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The earmarks of a fool are these.  Fools are: Incorrigible – For one thing they not only refuse to depart from evil but they think it is abominable to do so – like the mayor of Las Vegas posing in...

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Dealing with Lust

Dealing With Lust CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lust is something with which we all have to deal.  When dealing with lust there are some practical principles that you can apply that will help you to not give into it. When dealing with lust, you need: Conviction – Jas 1:14 – you...

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