For their Pride, Zeph 2:8-11

For Their Pride Zeph 2:8-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: Zeph 2:8-11.  God’s words show us that Jesus is going to rule and that the Jews are his chosen people.  Due to pride, many don’t believe these truths.  Well they are true and, therefore, God’s promise to Abraham is still true....

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How To Have Peace With God

Peace with God is one of the most desirable characteristics of your relationship with God.  But surprisingly a lot of Christians don’t enjoy peace with God.  Either they don’t know about it or they don’t know how to get it.  Today we’ll show you about it and show you how...

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Gaza Shall Be Forsaken, Zeph 2:4-7

Gaza Shall Be Forsaken Zeph. 2:4-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lots of attention has been given to the Gaza strip because this is where the Jews evacuated in order to let the “Palestinians” establish a place and to encourage peace in the Middle East.  But, according to this prophecy, this land is...

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Ye Shall Be Hid, Zeph 2:1-3

Ye Shall Be Hid Zeph. 2:1-3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO At the Second Advent, the Lord is coming back in flaming fire and he is going to devour the “chaff” of the earth.  The Jews must be hid to survive his coming.  Before he comes, he begins to pour out his...

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A Day of Wrath, Zeph 1:15-18

A Day of Wrath Zeph. 1:15-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The second coming of Jesus is truly a terrible experience in the earth.  All the beautiful tourist attractions of the world are going to be destroyed.  God will not tolerate men doing what men are doing today.  They take God’s name...

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Old Age, Ps 71:9

This sermon will help you in your old age, whether you are old now or whether you are still young. Ps 71:9, 18 – old people that grow old gracefully… Maintain a good sense of humor – Prov 17:22.  Bro Don Sisk, L. D. Hunter, and my mother are great...

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God’s Abundant Goodness, Ex 34:6

According to God’s own testimony of himself in Ex 34:6, the Lord is abundant in goodness.  He has been very good to us, not because we are so good but because he is so good.  God delights in doing good through his abundant goodness.  We should therefore: Acknowledge his goodness....

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Cain and Abel, Gen 4:1-17

In this study of Cain and Abel, we are going to discuss the various ways that Abel is a type of Christ and Cain a type of the house of Israel. Abel is a type of Christ.  So, Cain killing Abel is a type of Jesus’s crucifixion by the Jews. ...

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The Noise of a Cry, Zeph 1:10-14

The Noise of a Cry Zeph.1:10-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The prophecies of Zephaniah are primarily fulfilled at the Second Advent of Jesus.  When he comes, there will be the noise of a cry.  The mighty men will be howling and crying when they see him coming.  Why is there...

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The Lords Sacrifice, Zeph 1:1-9

The Lord’s Sacrifice Zeph. 1:1-9  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This first lesson concerns the Lords sacrifice.  Zephaniah is a contemporary of Jeremiah for a period.  His prophecies are for Judah and Jerusalem.  Zephaniah’s prophecies are clearly fulfilled at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.  See Zeph 1:7; 1:14-15; 2:2; 3:5;...

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