Expectation vs Hope Prov. 10: 24

Expectation versus Hope Prov. 10: 24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb goes with v. 28 and Prov 11:7.  It compares the expectation of the wicked with the hope of the righteous.  Thus we are examining expectation vs hope. The hope and desire of the righteous will be granted and will...

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Building the Tabernacle

Building the Tabernacle Ex 31:1-11, Ex. 35: 30-35 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Building the tabernacle was a great task.  How did God get it done?  The answer to that question reveals how God gets many of his great tasks done. He called a man – Bezaleel – Ex 35:30, 31:2 –...

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The Multitude of Words Prov. 10: 9

The Mulitude of Words Prov. 10 :9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Open your mouth too much and sin – Multitude of words You’ll end up blaming someone other than the guilty party – (Gen 3:12)  And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave...

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Poverty and Wealth Prov. 10: 15

Poverty & Wealth Prov. 10:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO First of all when studying poverty and wealth you want to remember that this was written in the Old Testament. Things definitely change in the New Testament as concerning these matters of wealth and poverty, so we’ll try to make some distinctions...

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Love & Hatred Prov. 10: 12

Love & Hatred Prov. 10:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This proverb is about love & hatred and is a big help to us as Christians, because it reminds us of the necessity to love one another.  It also reminds us of the things we do when deep down we hate somebody. ...

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God’s Design

God’s Design Ps 19: 1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God designs every place where he dwells. God’s design and his presence in each “temple” he designed bring Him glory!! He designed the universe that he inhabits – Heb 11:3, Jn 1:3 – the universe fits him perfectly; it’s tailor-made Heb 1:10-12 – and...

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The Words of the Lord

 The Words of the Lord Ps 12: 6-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Words of the Lord are: Pure – Ps 12:6 – there is absolutely no flaw in these words at all – they are the only truly pure things on earth – they are purer than the purest gold...

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Isaiah 14:11-15 The Devil’s Fall

The Devil’s Fall Is 14: 11-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a Sunday school lesson about the Devil’s fall.  The devil promotes himself to gain worship and his ultimate desire is to replace Jesus Christ as God.  However, he will fail as the Lord demotes him from his original position...

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The Wells of Life Prov. 10: 11

The Wells of Life Prov. 10: 11 C LICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible there are three wells of life. The mouth of a righteous man – Prov 10:11 and Jn 7:38-39 – a righteous man can lead souls to Christ [eternal life] – you can testify of the work...

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How Will They Remember You Prov. 10: 6-7

How Will They Remember You Prov. 10: 6-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage we find two ways that people are remembered.  The memory of the just is blessed and the name of the wicked shall rot.  A good name is rather to be chosen Prov 22:1; Ecc 7:1 Blessed...

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