Words Jesus Christ Gave to Peter and John John 21: 15-25

Word’s Jesus Christ Gave to Peter & John John 21:15-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson concerns things spoken by the Lord to Peter and John before the Lord’s ascension.  In this passage the first thing we see concerning Peter is his restoration to the ministry. Peter denied Jesus three times...

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The Lord Appears to the Disciples, Jn 20:24-21:14

The Lord Appears to the Disciples John 20:24, 21:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we mainly want to point out some things that happened the second and third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples. The remainder of John Chapter 20 deals with the revelation to Thomas and the...

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Jesus with His Disciples, Jn 20:19-23

Jesus With His Disciples John 20:19-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A summary of what we are going to study in this passage of John can be found in Mark 16:14, so we will begin there. In Mark we find Jesus appearing to the disciples as they were having a meal and...

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Cornelius’ House

Cornelius’ House Acts 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While we were in Mexico, we had the opportunity to preach in two house churches which are missions of the Templo Bautista in Pachuca, Mexico.  At the second church, in Sahagun, there were five lost people who had been invited to the Monday...

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The Report on the Resurrection, Jn 20:2-18

The Report on the Resurrection John 20: 2-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this study we are going to focus on the eyewitness accounts of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and the disbelief of some who were a witness to it. In John 20:2 we see Mary running from...

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The Arrival at the Tomb, Jn 20:1

The Arrival at the Tomb John 20 :1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO John only provides one verse for what we are going to study in this lesson, so we will be spending more time looking at the other three Gospels to supplement this singular verse. The supplemental verses are Luke 24:1-8,...

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The Burial of Jesus Christ, Jn 19:31-42

The Burial of Jesus Christ John 19:31-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The other passages we will be referencing in this lesson are Matthew 27:55, Mark 15:40 and Luke 23:48. Beginning in Luke we see that many of the people who gathered to watch the crucifixion were so moved by what they...

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The Love of God

Love of God Rom. 5: 1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 5:5 we see that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts and in 1 Jn 4:15-19 we see that love is the very nature of God – he’s in us so his love is in us....

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Isaiah 11:6-9 The Salvation of Nature

The Salvation of Nature Is 11: 6-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Environmentalists always refer to Mother Nature.  But there’s no such thing as Mother Nature.  There’s Father God.  He’s the Creator!  Currently the earth is cursed with bugs, diseases volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, etc.  It’s cursed. But in time God’s going to...

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Rahab’s Remarkable Testimony

Rahab’s Remarkable Testimony Joshua 2: 1-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Rahab had a remarkable testimony.  Notice: Her Testimony of Faith – Heb 11:31 – in v.9-11 she believed in the Lord; in v.12-13 she believed she could be saved and that she needed to be saved; in v.14 she believed the...

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