The Foolishness of Preaching

The Foolishness of Preaching 1 Cor. 1:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness.  It is hard to understand what the world thinks is so foolish about preaching the cross when you consider what it is. The creator of the universe lived as...

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Isaiah 10:5 The Assyrian

The Assyrian Isaiah 10:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have to see from the Bible who the Assyrian is.  Ultimately, he is the devil working through the king of Assyria, whoever he may be at the time the devil uses him.  In the end, he is the antichrist.  Today, we will study him...

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The True Vine, Jn 15:1-6

The True Vine John 15:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The main focus of this passage is about fruit production. Here Jesus presents Himself as the true vine with God the Father as the Husbandman and Christians as the branches. Now notice that Jesus says that He is the true vine. Therefore,...

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Happiness Ps.144:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  There is a great frustration in relationships with others and in marriage that is often manifested when you try to make the other person happy.  Have you ever done something to make another person happy only to be disappointed when what you attempted didn’t work? ...

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If You Love Me, Jn 14:15-24

If You Love Me John 14:15-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The whole blessing of salvation in Jesus Christ begins with loving Jesus Christ because salvation is a matter of the heart and not a matter of the action. This is a very confusing point that people trip on because our first...

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Keep My Commandments, Jn 14:15

If You Love Me, Keep My Commandmetns John 14:15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Upon reading this verse it is easy to think that it is all about salvation by works and legalism. But in this message we want to show you that Jesus was speaking here of something very practical. If...

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Knowing the Lord, Jn 14:7-14

If You Knew Me John 14:7-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to this text there are great things that come from knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. The more obvious things we think of are being saved by His shed blood and being justified from our sins so that we’re not found...

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Giving John 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDUO Giving is in the very essence of God.  We are saved because he GAVE us his Son.  And when we are saved, it is the presence of God in us that causes us to give like he did.  When a Christian has difficulty...

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Isaiah 10:1-4 When Man’s Laws Replace God’s Laws

When Man’s Laws Replace God’s Law Isaiah 10:1-4CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When a society is following the law of God, there is really not much need for other laws.  But when man’s laws replace God’s laws, then there is no end to the laws that will be passed to control...

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