Rejection by Israel, 12:37-43

Rejection by Israel John 12:37-43 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage contains two references in Isaiah concerning the rejection by Israel of Jesus Christ and God’s righteousness by the Jews [Is 53:1 and Is 6:10]. These references are not directed at individual Jews but rather to the entire nation of Israel. The...

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The Death of Christ, Jn 12:20-36

The Death of Christ John 12:20-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While Jesus Christ accomplished many things, in this particular passage of scripture we see that His death accomplished ten different things. The conversion of the Gentiles (Exodus 12:48, Mark 7:26, Romans 1:16) The glorification of Jesus (John 7:38, Acts 3:13, 1...

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The Triumphal Entry, Jn 12:12-19

Triumphal Entry John 12:12-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Along with this text we are going to examine parallel passages in Matt. 21, Mark 11 and Luke 19 which fill in details not provided in John. The Book of John states that the triumphal entry took place “on the next day.” In...

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Growing By The Word

Growing By The Word Hebrews 5:12-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The companion passage for this sermon is Heb 5:12.  The theme is how to know that you are growing spiritually. When you are growing physically, it is easy to tell.  You can see the growth: increasing height, bulking up, growing belly,...

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Naaman the Leper

Naaman the Leper 2 Kings 5:1-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The account of the cleansing of Naaman the leper is a great picture of a sinner getting saved.  Naaman was the captain of the Syrian host, the highest ranking military commander, he was a great man, he was honorable, he was used...

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Isaiah 9:1-7 A Child is Born

A Child is Born Isaiah. 9:1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In these verses, you are dealing with a passage that is partially fulfilled at the first coming of Jesus and completely fulfilled at his Second Coming.  For instance, v.6 says, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is...

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Kill Lazarus, Jn 12:9-11

Kill Lazarus John 12: 9-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is unimaginable that the Pharisees would attempt to kill Lazarus.  However, when you understand the origin of the mind of a Pharisee, it makes more sense. The Pharisees ruled people thru fear of retribution. This was accomplished in several ways such...

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Love and Hatred, Jn12:2-8

Love & Hatred John 12:2-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this text we have illustrations of the epitome of love: Mary who anointed the feet of Jesus, and hatred: Judas who spoke deceptively because he did not care for the poor.  In these two you see the stark contrast between love...

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Brought Out

Brought Out Deut. 6:21-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The full title of this message comes from the text, “He brought us out to bring us in.”  We were brought out of “Egypt” and taken to “the Promised Land” when we received Jesus as our Savior. There were three things going on...

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The Day of Jesus Crucifixion, Jn 12:1

Reconcile John 12:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Date of Crucifixion Click this link for a concise Chart of the Date of the Crucifixion As you will see through this study there is no such thing as a Sunday triumphal entry called Palm Sunday or a date of crucifixion called Good Friday.  This...

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