Isaiah 7:10-16 A Sign to Judah

A Sign To Judah  Isaiah 7:10-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After promising that Syria and Israel wouldn’t defeat Judah, Isaiah tells Ahaz to ask God for a sign.  When he won’t, God gives him one anyway.  This is the sign to Judah of the virgin birth of Jesus.  This sign is:...

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Spiritual Giving

Spiritual Giving 1Chronicles 29: 1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Giving is a very spiritual aspect of our salvation.  This passage contains some of the major components of giving.  In giving there is: Affection – v.3-5a – David had affection to the “house of my God” and so he gave – 2...

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Righteous Judgment, Jn 7:14-34

Righteous Judgment John 7:14-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The difference between Jesus and the Pharisees is that His doctrine and judgment were right and the doctrine and judgment of the Pharisees were wrong. The Pharisees were the most learned of men, but the problem was that they had not learned...

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Differing Opinions, Jn 7:1-13

Differing Opinions John 7:1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this text we find varying opinions about Jesus. The opinion of the Jews: They wanted to kill him (verse 1) In verses 19-20 they lied to him and denied it. They wanted to kill him because he healed on the Sabbath...

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Sanctification 1 Thess 4: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Sanctification is basically holiness – it is something that affects the vessel [v.4] – it is something to which God has called us [v.7] – it is the will of God [v.3]. Sanctification is a three part process – we are sanctified...

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Foreknowledge of Jesus, Jn 6:64-71

Jesus’ Foreknowledge John 6:64-71 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus has just finished his discourse on eating the flesh of the Son of man and drinking his blood. This caused a stir because some people thought this was literal.  This is not literal; it has to do with believing his words.  He...

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Eating His Flesh and Blood, Jn 6:48-64

Eating His Flesh and Blood John 6:48-64 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is one of the passages that have been used to teach that communion, eating his flesh and blood, is a sacrament essential for salvation. This is not true and we are going to find out why. Jesus used their...

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The Father Draws Them, Jn 6:43-47

The Fathers Draws Them John 6:43-47 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The part of this passage that seems to cause problems for people from time to time is the part that says “No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him...

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Hell Luke 16:19-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It helps us, as we go through this message, to know that our souls have a bodily shape.  The rich man and Lazarus, after they were buried, went to hell and to Abraham’s bosom, respectively, and we can see them with eyes, fingers,...

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Isaiah 7:1-9 Syria and Ephraim

Syria & Ephraim Isaiah 7: 1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This prophecy was made during the reign of Ahaz, who ruled over Judah from 742-726 BC.  This takes place at least 16 years after the vision of Is 6, which was in the year that Uzziah died in 758 BC.  The...

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