He Must Increase, Jn 3:22-36

He Must Increase John 3: 22-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  HE MUST INCREASE A question came up about the ministry of John the Baptist versus the ministry of Jesus.  The question arose over the following that Jesus was getting after his baptism.  Some conjectured that John should have been envious about...

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Discipleship Lesson #7- The Lord’s Supper & Baptism

The Lord’s Supper and Baptism CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO   What are the Lord’s Supper and Baptism and should I partake of them? Answer: There are the two “ordinances” given to the New Testament church by the Lord  Jesus  Christ. Believer’s Baptism – Matt.28:19 and The Lord’s Supper – Luke 22:19 are the “ordinances” spoken of by...

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Condemned Already, Jn 3:18-21

Condemned Already  John 3:18-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You are condemned already because: You won’t believe on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. – Many people know about Jesus Christ, but few would believe that God would condemn them. They think their sin isn’t that bad.  Religious people have a...

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Dealing With Temptation – The Devil

Dealing with Temptation- The Devil CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have waited until now to address tje sunject of the devil and his involveement in temptation because often he gets blamed for every temptation, when in reality he is rarely to blame.  As Bob Jones, Sr, used to say, “No doubt...

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God So Loved The World, Jn 3:16-17

God So Loved the World John 3:16-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God’s love for the world is demonstrated by sending Jesus to die for us. God sent his Son into the world (John 3:16) — He came not to condemn. At the flood, God condemned the world and destroyed it. Some...

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Simplify the New Birth, Jn 3:8-12

Simplify the New Birth John 3: 8-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In John 3:7 Nicodemus had just heard that “ye must be born again.” In this lesson, we are going to see the new birth typified, questioned, prophesied, preached, and disbelieved.  Notice, the New Birth: Typified (John 3:8) — Jesus likens...

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Congregational Singing

Congregational Singing Eph 5:19 Col 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The purpose of congregational singing from a hymnbook in a fellowship of believers is the subject of this sermon.  Congregational singing of hymns: Joins the congregation together – Eph 5:19 – speaking to yourselves in 1 Cor 1:10 with the same...

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Living By Faith

Living By Faith Matt 6: 30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I’ve been praying for the Lord to increase my faith.  Well, the Bible says “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” [Rom 10:17].  So, we need to see what the Bible tells us about faith. ...

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Isaiah 5:1-7 The Lord’s Vineyard

The Lord’s Vineyard Is. 5: 1-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, the Lord compares Israel to a vineyard that produces wild grapes to explain to them why they are going to be destroyed.  Rather than outline the passage, we will study it verse by verse and comment on each...

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