Trust in Him

Psalm 2:12 Trust in Him CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The last part of Ps 2:12 says, “Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.”  And truly, we need to trust in him. A fellow from Harrisburg, PA, called us to ask us to pray for his daughter who...

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Children As Arrows

Psalm 127: 4 Children As Arrows  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon from Ps 127:4 compares children to arrows.  By studying the metaphor, you can learn how to rear children who turn out straight as an arrow.

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The Lord’s Government

Isaiah 33: 17-22 The Lord’s Government CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Text: Is 33:22 – In our government we have three branches: the judicial, the legislative, and the executive.  And these are separate in order to maintain a balance of power.  In God’s there are three branches, as well, and yet these...

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Flourish Like the Palm Tree

Now that you are saved you are righteous – so as a righteous saint of God you are to flourish like the palm tree – why would the Lord compare you to a palm tree? And what can we learn from our comparison to a palm tree that might help...

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Why Do We Sing and Praise God

Bro. Tony Acts 16: 25 Why Do We Sing and Praise God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a sermon on the reasons we sing and praise God in our lives.  It is from Acts 16:25 where Paul and Silas sang praises to the Lrd when they were locked up in...

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Amnon’s Folly

Amon’s Folly II Samuel 13: 1-7  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text: 2 Sam 13:1-28 – Folly is foolishness – and Amnon was definitely foolish – we can learn from his folly not to make the same mistakes he did – if you don’t learn from them then you are bound to...

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The Time of the End

Daniel 12:1-4 Time of the End CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The time of the end is identified by a number of things: natural and international disasters [Matt 24], perilous times [2 Tim 3:1-7], and many running to and fro and knowledge increasing, as in our text. The alarming thing about the...

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The Way of Happiness 1Thes. 5:16-22

 1 Thess 5:16-22 The Way of Happiness  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you want true happiness as a Christian then the thing to do is to follow these simple instructions given by Paul. Rejoice Evermore – v.16 – 1 Pet 1:8-9 through loving and believing Jesus – Jn 15:8-11 through bearing...

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The Character of Job

Job 1:1 Outstanding Characteristics of Job CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Job was perfect and upright and he feared God and eschewed evil – these four characteristics should be in us as God’s children – these things were said of Job three times (v.8, v.2:2-3) – there was none like him in the earth...

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