David Trusted the Lord, 1 Sam 26:1-25

1 Sam 26:1-25 David Trusted the Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It’s one thing for a man to say that he trusts in the Lord.  But it is a totally different thing to actually trust him.  David trusted the Lord, which is evident by a number of things we find in...

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Managing Cattle and Pastoring a Church

Managing Cattle and Pastoring a Church  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Pastoring a church is very similar to managing a herd of cattle.  Like a ranch manager, the pastor must: Provide Nutrition – Jn 21:15-17, Acts 20:28 and 1 Pet 5:2 tell pastors to feed the sheep.  The King James Bible is...

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The Cave Adullam, 1 Sam 22:1-2

1 Sam 22:1-2 The Cave Adullam CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Three kinds of people went to join David in the cave Adullam as he separated himself from Saul.  They were those in distress and in debt and those who were discontented.  Where would have been in David’s day with a narcissistic,...

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The Death of the Priests, 1 Sam 21:1-19

1 Sam 21:1-9 and 22:8-23 The Death of the Priests CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In these passages, David runs from Saul to Nob, the city of the priests, after attempting to seek refuge among the Philistines [1 Sam21:10-15].  He had to get away so quickly that Ahimelech is afraid when David...

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The Empty Seat, 1 Sam 20:18

1 Sam 20:18 The Empty Seat CLICK FOR TITLE AUDIO David concocted a plan to determine Saul’s intentions to kill him.  He had already seen that javelin flying at him more times than he cared and so he excused himself from Saul’s table saying that he was returning to his family’s...

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Saul’s Envy, 1 Sam 18:5-30

1 Sam 18:5-30 Saul’s Envy CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul envied David for the saying of the women who ascribed to David’s victories ten-thousands and only thousands to Saul, v.7-8.  And in Saul’s case look what this envy did to him and to his family.  Envy is: Hateful – It caused...

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Why We Need Preaching

Why We Need Preaching  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Preaching is an absolute necessity for Christians – it keeps us in a growing and right relationship with the Lord.  

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