
Col. 4:2 Gratitude CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul is an amazing character.  Undoubtedly he is one of the most thankful men in the Bible. 26 times Paul specifically gives thanks for a multitude of things: for food, for friends who encouraged him, for the faith and testimony of his converts, for...

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The Outward Appearance, 1 Sam 16:7

1 Sam 16:7 The Outward Appearance CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Men judge based on the appearance – that is why we are to abstain from all appearance of evil 1 Thes 5:22 – that is why marketing involves appealing pictures [and why Israel was told to destroy the pictures Num 33:52]...

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Rapture Looking for Jesus

The Doctrine of the Rapture CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Looking for Jesus does something for you.  It: Tit 2:12-14 Keeps you motivated – it keeps you going until you finish what God has called you to do – when I cycle and feel myself dragging, finishing in time causes me to...

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The Rapture 1Thes. 4:13-18

The Rapture CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Thes 4:13-18 the doctrine of the Rapture is very helpful for you as a Christian.  It: Gives you hope during your time of grief – v.13 – Paul wanted to make sure that we were not ignorant of this truth – people who...

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Weak Repentance, 1 Sam 15:24-25

1 Sam 15:24-25 Weak Repentance CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul’s repentance after disobeying the command of the Lord to destroy the Amalekites and all of their substance is an example of a repentance that does not work with God. A weak repentance involves: Admission – “I have sinned” – Pharaoh did...

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Saul’s Disobedience, 1 Sam 15:-22-23

1 Sam 15:22-23 Disobedience CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Obedience is the delight of God whereas sacrifice to just appease God so that disobedience can be continued is abomination – it is what is at the root of religion – in Gen 4:3 Cain was more religious than Abel but the reason...

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Weighed Down with a Load of Care

Matt 11:28-29 How To Deal With Stress CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I don’t recall a time when I have seen myself, so many of you and so many of my friends weighed down with such a load of care.  We have to be able to function with this load without getting...

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Saul’s Sons, 1 Sam 14:49

1 Sam 14:49 Saul’s Sons CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is about Saul’s sons.  Saul had more than the three sons that are named here.  He had: Jonathan – 1 Sam 31:2, 1 Chr 10:2 Ishui – also called Abinadab 1 Chr 8:33,9:39 Melchishua – 1 Sam 31:2 Ishbosheth –...

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Matthew 27:34-36 Sitting Down They Watched Him There CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I have seen some pretty remarkable things as a spectator.  But spectators just sit and watch; they don’t do anything to participate or win the game.  The day Jesus was crucified, there were a bunch of spectators there who...

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