Saul’s Successful Military Campaign, 1 Sam 11:1-15

1 Sam 11:1-15 Saul’s Successful Military Campaign CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Saul succeeded in defeating Nahash the Ammonite because he: Recognized that it was time to fight – v.1-5 – successful commanders know when to fight and when to negotiate – this was time to fight Did not offer a political...

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Provisions For A King, 1 Sam 10:1-13

1 Sam 10:1-13 Provisions for a King CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 19:1-13, in the things that Samuel said to Saul and in the things that the Lord accomplished for Saul, we see that the Lord provided Saul with everything he needed for his current necessities and for his...

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Saul Was A Good Man 1 Sam. 9:1-27

1 Sam 9:1-27 Saul was a Good Man CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 9:1-27, God’s choice of Saul to be the king of Israel was not without merit.  He didn’t put a bad man in office.  Saul was a good man at the outset. He had: A Good Heritage...

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Samuel the Seer 1 Sam. 9:1-27

1 Sam 9:1-27 Samuel the Seer CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 9:1-27, Samuel was indeed a true prophet if the Lord and he had some outstanding characteristics: He was: Honorable – v.6 – 1 Tim 3:7 – he had not destroyed the reputation of his office like the sons...

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What Can Your Faith Do For Somebody Else

Bro. Tony   What Can Your Faith Do For Somebody Else CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a sermon on the four men that carried the fellow who was sick with the palsy to Jesus Christ.  It was there faith that resulted in this man’s healing.  Likewise, your faith can be effectual...

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Enemies of the Gospel 1 Thes. 2:14-19

Enemies of the Gospel CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Thes 2:14-19, Paul commended the Thessalonians because they were suffering in their country the same way the saints were suffering in Judea [v.14].  The suffering resulted from the reproach that saints endure from the enemies of the cross [2 Thes 1:3-6;...

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The Ark in Philistia 1 Sam. 5:6-6:21

1 Samuel 5:6 – 6:21 The Ark in Philistia CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is more of a running commentary on the passage because it lends itself well to that type of teaching.  So, we’ll comment on the verses as we study through the passage. v.6 – the men of...

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Ichabod, 1 Sam 4:19-22

1 Sam 4:19-22 Ichabod CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Phinehas’ wife thought the glory of the Lord departed when the ark departed.  Consider how the glory of the Lord was manifested in Ex 40:34-38 when the ark was set up.  However, the glory of the Lord had already departed from Israel because...

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How to Reprove

II Tim 4:2-4 Giving Reproof CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The scripture exhorts preachers to reprove as part of preaching.  To reprove is to reprimand.  Synonyms are criticize, rebuke, scold, tell off, and admonish [warn].  Preachers are to  reprove, the words of God reprove [2 Tim 3:16], the Spirit of God reproves...

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Paul’s Ministry Principles 1Thes. 2:7-12

1 Thes 2:7-12 Paul’s Principles of the Ministry CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the ministry, Paul had some principles that governed his conduct.  These were his personal rules of conduct, which ministers today would do well to emulate. As a result of his ministry principles, Paul was: Gentle – v.7 – as...

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